
1. Getting started with Micc2


These tutorials focus not just on how to use micc2. Rather they describe a workflow for how you cac set up a python project and develop it using best practises, with the help of Micc2.

Micc2 aims at providing a practical interface to the many aspects of managing a Python project: setting up a new project in a standardized way, adding documentation, version control, publishing the code to PyPI, building binary extension modules in C++ or Fortran, dependency management, … For all these aspects there are tools available, yet, with each new project, I found myself struggling to get everything right and looking up the details. Micc2 is an attempt to wrap all the details by providing the user with a standardized yet flexible workflow for managing a Python project. Standardizing is a great way to increase productivity. For many aspects, the tools used by Micc2 are completely hidden from the user, e.g. project setup, adding components, building binary extensions, … For other aspects Micc2 provides just the necessary setup for you to use other tools as you need them. Learning to use the following tools is certainly beneficial:

The basic commands for these tools are covered in these tutorials.

1.1. Creating a project with micc2

Creating a new project with micc2 is simple:

> micc2 create path/to/my-first-project

This creates a new project my-first-project in folder path/to. Note that the directory path/to/my-first-project must either not exist, or be empty.

Typically, you will create a new project in the current working directory, say: your workspace, so first cd into your workspace directory:

> cd path/to/workspace
> micc2 create my-first-project --remote=none
[INFO]           [ Creating project directory (my-first-project):
[INFO]               Python top-level package (my_first_project):
[INFO]               [ Creating local git repository
[INFO]               ] done.
[WARNING]            Creation of remote GitHub repository not requested.
[INFO]           ] done.

As the output tells, micc2 has created a new project in directory my-first-project containing a python package my_first_project. This is a directory with an __init__.py file, containing the Pythonvariables, classes and meethods it needs to expose. This directory and its contents represent the Python module.

> my-first-project          # the project directory└── my_first_project      # the package directory    └── __init__.py       # the file where your Python code goes


Next to the package structure - a directory with an __init__.py filePython also allows for module structure - a mere :file:`my_first_project.py file - containing the Python variables, classes and meethods it needs to expose. The*module* structure is essentially a single file and Python-only approach, which often turns out to be too restrictive. As of v3.0 micc2 only supports the creation of modules with a packages structure, which allows for adding submodules, command line interfaces (CLIs), and binary extension modules builtfrom other languages as C++ and Fortran. Micc2 greatly facilitates adding suchcomponents.

Note that the module name differs slightly from the project name. Dashes are been replaced with underscores and uppercase with lowercase in order to yield a PEP 8 compliant module name. If you want your module name to be unrelated to your project name, check out the 1.1.1. What’s in a name section.

Micc2 automatically creates a local git repository for our project (provided the git command is available) and it commits all the project files that it generated with commit message ‘And so this begun…’. The --remote=none flag prevents Micc2 from also creating a remote repository on GitHub. Without that flag, Micc2 would have created a public remote repository on GitHub and pushed that first commit (tht requires that we have set up Micc2 with a GitHub username and a personal access token for it as described in First time Micc2 setup. You can also request the remote repository to be private by specifying --remote=private.

After creating the project, we cd into the project directory. All Micc2 commands detect automatically that they are run from a project directory and consequently act on the project in the current working directory. E.g.:

> > cd my-first-project
> micc2 info
Project my-first-project located at /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/my-first-project
  package: my_first_project
  version: 0.0.0
    my_first_project  top-level package      (source in my_first_project/__init__.py)

As the info subcommand, shows info on a project, is running inside the my-first-project directory, we get the info on the my-first-project project.

To apply a Micc2 command to a project that is not in the current working directory see 1.2.1. The project path in Micc2.


Micc2 has a built-in help function: micc2 --help shows the global options, which appear in front of the subcommand, and lists the subcommands, and micc2 subcommand --help, prints detailed help for a subcommand.

1.1.1. What’s in a name

The name you choose for your project is not without consequences. Ideally, a project name is:

  • descriptive,

  • unique,

  • short.

Although one might think of even more requirements, such as being easy to type, satisfying these three is already hard enough. E.g. the name my_nifty_module may possibly be unique, but it is neither descriptive, neither short. On the other hand, dot_product is descriptive, reasonably short, but probably not unique. Even my_dot_product is probably not unique, and, in addition, confusing to any user that might want to adopt your my_dot_product. A unique name - or at least a name that has not been taken before - becomes really important when you want to publish your code for others to use it (see 7. Publishing your code for details). The standard place to publish Python code is the Python Package Index, where you find hundreds of thousands of projects, many of which are really interesting and of high quality. Even if there are only a few colleagues that you want to share your code with, you make their life (as well as yours) easier when you publish your my_nifty_module at PyPI. To install your my_nifty_module they will only need to type:

> python -m pip install my_nifty_module

The name my_nifty_module is not used so far, but nevertheless we recommend to choose a better name.

If you intend to publish your code on PyPI, we recommend that you create your project with the --publish flag. Micc2 then checks if the name you want to use for your project is still available on PyPI. If not, it refuses to create the project and asks you to use another name for your project:

> micc2 create oops --publish
    The name 'oops' is already in use on PyPI.
    The project is not created.
    You must choose another name if you want to publish your code on PyPI.

As there are indeed hundreds of thousands of Python packages published on PyPI, finding a good name has become quite hard. Personally, I often use a simple and short descriptive name, prefixed by my initials, et-, which usually makes the name unique. E.g et-oops does not exist. This has the additional advantage that all my published modules are grouped in the alphabetic PyPI listing.

Another point of attention is that although in principle project names can be anything supported by your OS file system, as they are just the name of a directory, Micc2 insists that module and package names comply with the PEP8 module naming rules. Micc2 derives the package (or module) name from the project name as follows:

  • capitals are replaced by lower-case

  • hyphens '-' are replaced by underscores '_'

If the resulting module name is not PEP8 compliant, you get an informative error message:

> micc create 1proj
/bin/sh: micc: command not found

The last line indicates that you can specify an explicit module name, unrelated to the project name. In that case PEP8 compliance is not checked. The responsability is then all yours.

1.2. First steps in project management using Micc2

1.2.1. The project path in Micc2

All micc2 commands accept the global --project-path=<path> parameter. Global parameters appear before the subcommand name. E.g. the command:

> micc2 --project-path path/to/my_project info

will print the info on the project located at path/to/my_project. This can conveniently be abbreviated as:

> micc2 -p path/to/my_project info

Even the create command accepts the global --project-path=<path> parameter:

> micc2 -p path/to/my_project create

will attempt to create project my_project at the specified location. The command is equivalent to:

> micc2 create path/to/my_project

The default value for the project path is the current working directory. Micc2 commands without an explicitly specified project path will act on the project in the current working directory.

1.2.2. Virtual environments

Virtual environments enable you to set up a Python environment that is isolated from the installed Python on your system and from other virtual environments. In this way you can easily cope with varying dependencies between your Python projects.

For a detailed introduction to virtual environments see Python Virtual Environments: A Primer.

When you are developing or using several Python projects simultaneously, it can become difficult for a single Python environment to satisfy all the dependency requirements of these projects. Dependency conflicts can easily arise. Python promotes and facilitates code reuse and as a consequence Python tools typically depend on tens to hundreds of other modules. If tool-A and tool-B both need module-C, but each requires a different version of it, there is a conflict because it is impossible to install two different versions of the same module in a Python environment. The solution that the Python community has come up with for this problem is the construction of virtual environments, which isolates the dependencies of a single project in a single environment.

For this reason it is recommended to create a virtual environment for every project you start. Here is how that goes: Creating virtual environments
> python -m venv .venv-my-first-project

This creates a directory .venv-my-first-project representing the virtual environment. The Python version of this virtual environment is the Python version that was used to create it. Use the tree command to get an overview of its directory structure:

> tree .venv-my-first-project -L 4
├── bin
│   ├── Activate.ps1
│   ├── activate
│   ├── activate.csh
│   ├── activate.fish
│   ├── easy_install
│   ├── easy_install-3.8
│   ├── pip
│   ├── pip3
│   ├── pip3.8
│   ├── python -> /Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/bin/python
│   └── python3 -> python
├── include
├── lib
│   └── python3.8
│       └── site-packages
│           ├── __pycache__
│           ├── easy_install.py
│           ├── pip
│           ├── pip-20.1.1.dist-info
│           ├── pkg_resources
│           ├── setuptools
│           └── setuptools-47.1.0.dist-info
└── pyvenv.cfg

11 directories, 13 files

As you can see there is a bin, include, and a lib directory. In the bin directory you find installed commands, like activate, pip, and the python of the virtual environment. The lib directory contains the installed site-packages, and the include directory containes include files of installed site-packages for use with C, C++ or Fortran.

If the Python version you used to create the virtual environment has pre-installed packages you can make them available in your virtual environment by adding the --system-site-packages flag:

> python -m venv .venv-my-first-project --system-site-packages

This is especially useful in HPC environments, where the pre-installed packages typically have a better computational efficiency.

As to where you create these virtual environments there are two common approaches. One is to create a venvs directory where you put all your virtual environments. This is practical if you have virtual environments which are common to several projects. The other one is to have one virtual environment for each project and locate it in the project directory. Note that if you have several Python versions on your system you may also create several virtual environments with different Python versions for a project.

In order to use a virtual environment, you must activate it:

> . .venv-my-first-project/bin/activate
(.venv-my-first-project) >

Note how the prompt has changed as to indicate that the virtual environment is active, and that current Python is now that of the virtual environment, and the only Python packages available are the ones installed in it, as well as the system site packages of the corresponding Python if the virtual environmnet was created with the --system-site-packages flag. To deactivate the virtual environment, run:

(.venv-my-first-project) > deactivate

The prompt has turned back to normal.

So far, the virtual environment is pretty much empty (except for the system site packages if if was created with the --system-site-packages flag). We must install the packages that our project needs. Pip does the trick:

> python -m pip install some-needed-package

We must also install the project itself, if it is to be used in the virtual environment. If the project is not under development, we can just run pip install. Otherwise, we want the code changes that we make while developing to be instantaneously visible in the virtual environment. Pip can do editable installs, but only for packages which provide a setup.py file. Micc2 does not provide setup.py files for its projects, but it has a simple workaround for editable installs. First cd into your project directory and activate its virtual environment, then run the install-e.py script:

> cd path/to/my-first-project
> source .venv-my-first-project/bin/activate
(.venv-my-first-project)> python ~/.micc2/scripts/install-e.py
Editable install of my-first-project is ready.

If something is wrong with a virtual environment, you can simply delete it:

> rm -rf .venv-my-first-project

and recreate it.

1.2.3. Modules and scripts

A Python script is a piece of Python code that performs a certain task. A Python module, on the other hand, is a piece of Python code that provides a client code, such as a script, with useful Python classes, functions, objects, and so on, to facilitate the script’s task. To that end client code must import the module.

Python has a mechanism that allows a Python file to behave as both as a script and as module. Consider this Python file my_first_project.py. as it was created by Micc2 in the first place. Note that Micc2 always creates project files containing fully functional examples to demonstrate how things are supposed to be done.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Package my_first_project

A hello world example.

__version__ = "0.0.0"

def hello(who="world"):
    """A "Hello world" method.

    :param str who: whom to say hello to
    :returns: a string
    result = f"Hello {who}!"
    return result

The module file starts with a file doc-string that describes what the file about and a __version__ definition and then goes on defining a simple hello method. A client script script.py can import the my_first_project.py module to use its hello method:

# file script.py
import my_first_project
print(my_first_project.hello("dear students"))

When executed, this results in printing Hello dear students!

> python script.py
Hello dear students!

Python has an interesting idiom for allowing a module also to behave as a script. Python defines a __name__ variable for each file it interprets. When the file is executed as a script, as in python script.py, the __name__ variable is set to __main__ and when the file is imported the __name__`` variable is set to the module name. By testing the value of the __name__`` variable we can selectively execute statements depending on whether a Python file is imported or executed as a script. E.g. below we we added some tests for the hello method:

def hello(who="world"):
    """A "Hello world" method.

    :param str who: whom to say hello to
    :returns: a string
    result = f"Hello {who}!"
    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
    assert hello() == "Hello world!
    assert hello("students") == "Hello students!

If we now execute my_first_project.py the if __name__ == "__main__": clause evaluates to True and the two assertions are executed - successfully.

So, adding a if __name__ == "__main__": clause at the end of a module allows it to behave as a script. This is Python idiom comes in handy for quick testing or debugging a module. Running the file as a script will execute the test and raise an AssertionError if it fails. If so, we can run it in debug mode to see what goes wrong.

While this is a very productive way of testing, it is a bit on the quick and dirty side. As the module code and the tests become more involved, the module file will soon become cluttered with test code and a more scalable way to organise your tests is needed. Micc2 has already taken care of this.

1.2.4. Testing your code

Test driven development is a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle: requirements are turned into very specific test cases, then the code is improved so that the tests pass. This is opposed to software development that allows code to be added that is not proven to meet requirements. The advantage of this is clear: the shorter the cycle, the smaller the code that is to be searched for bugs. This allows you to produce correct code faster, and in case you are a beginner, also speeds your learning of Python. Please check Ned Batchelder’s very good introduction to testing with pytest.

When Micc2 created project my-first-project, it not only added a hello method to the module file, it also created a test script for it in the tests directory of the project directory. The testS for the my_first_project module is in file tests/test_my_first_project.py. Let’s take a look at the relevant section:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Tests for my_first_project package."""

import my_first_project

def test_hello_noargs():
    """Test for my_first_project.hello()."""
    s = my_first_project.hello()
    assert s=="Hello world!"

def test_hello_me():
    """Test for my_first_project.hello('me')."""
    s = my_first_project.hello('me')
    assert s=="Hello me!"

The tests/test_my_first_project.py file contains two tests. One for testing the hello method with a default argument, and one for testing it with argument 'me'. Tests like this are very useful to ensure that during development the changes to your code do not break things. There are many Python tools for unit testing and test driven development. Here, we use Pytest. The tests are automatically found and executed by running pytest in the project directory:

> pytest tests -v
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform darwin -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-6.2.2, py-1.11.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/my-first-project
collecting ... collected 2 items

tests/my_first_project/test_my_first_project.py::test_hello_noargs PASSED [ 50%]
tests/my_first_project/test_my_first_project.py::test_hello_me PASSED    [100%]

============================== 2 passed in 0.03s ===============================

Specifying the tests directory ensures that Pytest looks for tests only in the tests directory. This is usually not necessary, but it avoids that pytest’s test discovery algorithm discovers test which are not meant to be. The -v flag increases pytest’s verbosity. The output shows that pytest discovered the two tests put in place by Micc2 and that they both passed.


Pytest looks for test methods in all test_*.py or *_test.py files in the current directory and accepts (1) test prefixed methods outside classes and (2) test prefixed methods inside Test prefixed classes as testmethods to be executed.

If a test would fail you get a detailed report to help you find the cause of theerror and fix it.


A failing test not necessarily implies that your module is faulty. Test code is also code and therefore can contain errors, too. It is not uncommon that a failing test is caused by a buggy test rather than a buggy method or class. Debugging test code

When the report provided by Pytest does not yield an obvious clue on the cause of the failing test, you must use debugging and execute the failing test step by step to find out what is going wrong where. From the viewpoint of Pytest, the files in the tests directory are modules. Pytest imports them and collects the test methods, and executes them. Micc2 also makes every test module executable using the Python if __name__ == "__main__": idiom described above. At the end of every test file you will find some extra code:

if __name__ == "__main__":                                   # 0
    the_test_you_want_to_debug = test_hello_noargs           # 1
                                                             # 2
    print("__main__ running", the_test_you_want_to_debug)    # 3
    the_test_you_want_to_debug()                             # 4
    print('-*# finished #*-')                              # 5

On line # 1, the name of the test method we want to debug is aliased as the_test_you_want_to_debug, c.q. test_hello_noargs. The variable thus becomes an alias for the test method. Line # 3 prints a message with the name of the test method being debugged to assure you that you are running the test you want. Line # 4 calls the test method, and, finally, line # 5 prints a message just before quitting, to assure you that the code went well until the end.

(.venv-my-first-project) > python tests/test_my_first_project.py
__main__ running <function test_hello_noargs at 0x1037337a0>     # output of line # 3
-*# finished #*-                                                 # output of line # 5

Obviously, you can run this script in a debugger to see what goes wrong where.

1.2.5. Generating documentation


It is not recommended to build documentation in HPC environments.

Documentation is generated almost completely automatically from the source code using Sphinx. It is extracted from the doc-strings in your code. Doc-strings are the text between triple double quote pairs in the examples above, e.g. """This is a doc-string.""". Important doc-strings are:

  • module doc-strings: at the beginning of the module. Provides an overview of what the module is for.

  • class doc-strings: right after the class statement: explains what the class is for. Usually, the doc-string of the __init__ method is put here as well, as dunder methods (starting and ending with a double underscore) are not automatically considered by Sphinx.

  • method doc-strings: right after a def statement, class methods should alsoget a doc-string.

According to pep-0287 the recommended format for Python doc-strings is restructuredText.E.g. a typical method doc-string looks like this:

def hello_world(who='world'):
    """Short (one line) description of the hello_world method.

    A detailed description of the hello_world method.

    :param str who: an explanation of the who parameter. You should
        mention e.g. its default value.
    :returns: a description of what hello_world returns (if relevant).
    :raises: which exceptions are raised under what conditions.
    # here goes your code ...

Here, you can find some more examples.

Thus, if you take good care writing doc-strings, helpful documentation follows automatically.

Micc2 sets up al the necessary components for documentation generation in the docs directory. To generate documentation in html format, run:

(.venv-my-first-project) > micc2 doc

This will generate documentation in html format in directory et-dot/docs/_build/html. The default html theme for this is sphinx_rtd_theme. To view the documentation open the file et-dot/docs/_build/html/index.html in your favorite browser . Other formats than html are available, but your might have to install addition packages. To list all available documentation formats run:

> micc2 doc help

The boilerplate code for documentation generation is in the docs directory, just as if it were generated manually using the sphinx-quickstart command. Modifying those files is not recommended, and only rarely needed. Then there are a number of .rst files in the project directory with capitalized names:

  • README.rst is assumed to contain an overview of the project. This file has some boiler plate text, but must essentially be maintained by the authors of the project.

  • AUTHORS.rst lists the contributors to the project.

  • CHANGELOG.rst is supposed to describe the changes that were made to the code from version to version. This file must entirely be maintained byby the authors of the project.

  • API.rst describes the classes and methods of the project in detail. This file is automatically updated when new components are added through Micc2_commands.

  • APPS.rst describes command line interfaces or apps added to your project. Just as API.rst it is automatically updated when new CLIs are added through Micc2 commands. For CLIs the documentation is extracted from the help parameters of the command options with the help of Sphinx_click.


The .rst extenstion stands for reStructuredText. It is a simple and concise approach to text formatting. See RestructuredText Primer for an overview.

1.2.6. Version control

Version control is extremely important for any software project with a lifetime of more a day. Micc2 facilitates version control by automatically creating a local git repository in your project directory. If you do not want to use it, you may ignore it or even delete it. If you have setup Micc2 correctly, it can even create remote Github repositories for your project, public as well as private.

Git is a version control system (VCS) that solves many practical problems related to the process software development, independent of whether your are the only developer, or whether there is an entire team working on it from different places in the world. You find more information about how Micc2 cooperates with Git in 5. Version control and version management.

1.3. Miscellaneous

1.3.1. License

When you set up Micc2 you can select the default license for your Micc2 projects. You can choose between:

  • MIT license

  • BSD license

  • ISC license

  • Apache Software License 2.0

  • GNU General Public License v3

  • Not open source

If you’re unsure which license to choose, you can use resources such as GitHub’s Choose a License. You can always overwrite the default chosen when you create a project. The first characters suffice to select the license:

micc2 --software-license=BSD create

The project directory will contain a LICENCE file, a plain text file describing the license applicable to your project.

1.3.2. The pyproject.toml file

Micc2 maintains a pyproject.toml file in the project directory. This is the modern way to describe the build system requirements of a project (see PEP 518 ). Although this file’s content is generated automatically some understanding of it is useful (checkout https://poetry.eustace.io/docs/pyproject/).

In Micc2’s predecessor, Micc, Poetry was used extensively for creating virtual environments and managing a project’s dependencies. However, at the time of writing, Poetry still fails to create virtual environments which honorthe --system-site-packages. This causes serious problems on HPC clusters, and consequently, we do not recommend the use of poetry when your projects have to run on HPC clusters. As long as this issue remains, we recommend to add a project’s dependencies manually in the pyproject.toml file, so that when someone would install your project with Pip, its dependendies are installed with it. Poetry remains indeed very useful for publishing your project to PyPI from your desktop or laptop.

The pyproject.toml file is rather human-readable. Most entries are trivial. There is a section for dependencies [tool.poetry.dependencies], development dependencies [tool.poetry.dev-dependencies]. You can maintain these manually. There is also a section for CLIs [tool.poetry.scripts] which is updated automatically whenever you add a CLI through Micc2.

> cat pyproject.toml

name = "my-first-project"
version = "0.0.0"
description = "My first micc2 project"
authors = ["John Doe <john.doe@example.com>"]
license = "MIT"

readme = 'Readme.rst'

repository = "https://github.com/jdoe/my-first-project"
homepage = "https://github.com/jdoe/my-first-project"

python = "^3.7"



requires = ["poetry>=0.12"]
build-backend = "poetry.masonry.api"

2. A first real project

Let’s start with a simple problem: a Python module that computes the scalar product of two arrays, generally referred to as the dot product. Admittedly, this not a very rewarding goal, as there are already many Python packages, e.g. Numpy, that solve this problem in an elegant and efficient way. However, because the dot product is such a simple concept in linear algebra, it allows us to illustrate the usefulness of Python as a language for HPC, as well as the capabilities of Micc2.

First, we set up a new project for this dot project, with the name ET-dot, ET being my initials (check out 1.1.1. What’s in a name).

> micc2 create ET-dot --remote=none
[INFO]           [ Creating project directory (ET-dot):
[INFO]               Python top-level package (et_dot):
[INFO]               [ Creating local git repository
[INFO]               ] done.
[WARNING]            Creation of remote GitHub repository not requested.
[INFO]           ] done.

We cd into the project directory, so Micc2 knows is as the current project.

> cd ET-dot

Now, open module file et_dot.py in your favourite editor and start coding a dot product method as below. The example code created by Micc2 can be removed.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Package et_dot
Python module for computing the dot product of two arrays.
__version__ = "0.0.0"

def dot(a,b):
    """Compute the dot product of *a* and *b*.

    :param a: a 1D array.
    :param b: a 1D array of the same length as *a*.
    :returns: the dot product of *a* and *b*.
    :raises: ValueError if ``len(a)!=len(b)``.
    n = len(a)
    if len(b)!=n:
        raise ValueError("dot(a,b) requires len(a)==len(b).")
    result = 0
    for i in range(n):
        result += a[i]*b[i]
    return result

We defined a dot() method with an informative doc-string that describes the parameters, the return value and the kind of exceptions it may raise. If you like, you can add a if __name__ == '__main__': clause for quick-and-dirty testing or debugging (see 1.2.3. Modules and scripts). It is a good idea to commit this implementation to the local git repository:

> git commit -a -m 'implemented dot()'
[main d452a13] implemented dot()
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
 rewrite et_dot/__init__.py (71%)

(If there was a remote GitHub repository, you could also push that commit git push, as to enable your colleagues to acces the code as well.)

We can use the dot method in a script as follows:

from et_dot import dot

a = [1,2,3]
b = [4.1,4.2,4.3]
a_dot_b = dot(a,b)

Or we might execute these lines at the Python prompt:

>>> from et_dot import dot
>>> a = [1,2,3]
>>> b = [4.1,4.2,4.3]
>>> a_dot_b = dot(a,b)
>>> expected = 1*4.1 + 2*4.2 +3*4.3
>>> print(f"a_dot_b = {a_dot_b} == {expected}")
a_dot_b = 25.4 == 25.4


This dot product implementation is naive for several reasons:

  • Python is very slow at executing loops, as compared to Fortran or C++.

  • The objects we are passing in are plain Python list`s. A :py:obj:`list is a very powerfull data structure, with array-like properties, but it is not exactly an array. A list is in fact an array of pointers to Python objects, and therefor list elements can reference anything, not just a numeric value as we would expect from an array. With elements being pointers, looping over the array elements implies non-contiguous memory access, another source of inefficiency.

  • The dot product is a subject of Linear Algebra. Many excellent libraries have been designed for this purpose. Numpy should be your starting point because it is well integrated with many other Python packages. There is also Eigen, a C++ template library for linear algebra that is neatly exposed to Python by pybind11.

However, starting out with a simple and naive implementation is not a bad idea at all. Once it is proven correct, it can serve as reference implementation to validate later improvements.

2.1. Testing the code

In order to prove that our implementation of the dot product is correct, we write some tests. Open the file tests/et_dot/test_et_dot.py, remove the original tests put in by micc2, and add a new one like below:

import et_dot

def test_dot_aa():
    a = [1,2,3]
    expected = 14
    result = et_dot.dot(a,a)
    assert result==expected

The test test_dot_aa() defines an array with 3 int numbers, and computes the dot product with itself. The expected result is easily calculated by hand. Save the file, and run the test, usi ng Pytest as explained in 1.2.4. Testing your code. Pytest will show a line for every test source file an on each such line a . will appear for every successfull test, and a F for a failing test. Here is the result:

> pytest tests
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform darwin -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-6.2.2, py-1.11.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot
collected 1 item

tests/et_dot/test_et_dot.py .                                            [100%]

============================== 1 passed in 0.02s ===============================

Great, our test succeeds. If you want some more detail you can add the -v flag. Pytest always captures the output without showing it. If you need to see it to help you understand errors, add the -s flag.

We thus have added a single test and verified that it works by running ‘’pytest’’. It is good practise to commit this to our local git repository:

> git commit -a -m 'added test_dot_aa()'
[main 406f097] added test_dot_aa()
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
 rewrite tests/et_dot/test_et_dot.py (98%)

Obviously, our test tests only one particular case, and, perhaps, other cases might fail. A clever way of testing is to focus on properties. From mathematics we now that the dot product is commutative. Let’s add a test for that. Open test_et_dot.py again and add this code:

import et_dot
import random

def test_dot_commutative():
    # create two arrays of length 10 with random float numbers:
    a = []
    b = []
    for _ in range(10):
    # test commutativity:
    ab = et_dot.dot(a,b)
    ba = et_dot.dot(b,a)
    assert ab==ba


Focussing on mathematical properties sometimes requires a bit more thought. Our mathematical intuition is based on the properties of real numbers - which, as a matter of fact, have infinite precision. Programming languages, however, use floating point numbers, which have a finite precision. The mathematical properties for floating point numbers are not the same as for real numbers. we’ll come to that later.

> pytest tests -v
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform darwin -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-6.2.2, py-1.11.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot
collecting ... collected 2 items

tests/test_et_dot.py::test_dot_commutative PASSED                        [ 50%]
tests/et_dot/test_et_dot.py::test_dot_aa PASSED                          [100%]

============================== 2 passed in 0.02s ===============================

The new test passes as well.

Above we used the random() module from Python’s standard library for generating the random numbers that populate the array. Every time we run the test, different random numbers will be generated. That makes the test more powerful and weaker at the same time. By running the test over and over againg new random arrays will be tested, growing our cofidence inour dot product implementations. Suppose, however, that all of a sudden thetest fails. What are we going to do? We know that something is wrong, but we have no means of investigating the source of the error, because the next time we run the test the arrays will be different again and the test may succeed again. The test is irreproducible. Fortunateely, that can be fixed by setting the seed of the random number generator:

def test_dot_commutative():
    # Fix the seed for the random number generator of module random.
    # choose array size
    n = 10
    # create two arrays of length 10 with zeroes:
    a = n*[0]
    b = n*[0]
    # repeat the test 1000 times:
    for _ in range(1000):
        for i in range(10):
             a[i] = random.random()
             b[i] = random.random()
    # test commutativity:
    ab = et_dot.dot(a,b)
    ba = et_dot.dot(b,a)
    assert ab==ba
> pytest tests -v
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform darwin -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-6.2.2, py-1.11.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot
collecting ... collected 2 items

tests/test_et_dot.py::test_dot_commutative PASSED                        [ 50%]
tests/et_dot/test_et_dot.py::test_dot_aa PASSED                          [100%]

============================== 2 passed in 0.02s ===============================

The 1000 tests all pass. If, say test 315 would fail, it would fail every time we run it and the source of error could be investigated.

Another property is that the dot product of an array of ones with another array is the sum of the elements of the other array. Let us add another test for that:

def test_dot_one():
    # Fix the seed for the random number generator of module random.
    # choose array size
    n = 10
    # create two arrays of length 10 with zeroes, resp. ones:
    a = n*[0]
    one = n*[1]
    # repeat the test 1000 times:
    for _ in range(1000):
        for i in range(10):
             a[i] = random.random()
    # test:
    aone = et_dot.dot(a,one)
    expected = sum(a)
    assert aone==expected
> pytest tests -v
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform darwin -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-6.2.2, py-1.11.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot
collecting ... collected 3 items

tests/test_et_dot.py::test_dot_commutative PASSED                        [ 33%]
tests/test_et_dot.py::test_dot_one PASSED                                [ 66%]
tests/et_dot/test_et_dot.py::test_dot_aa PASSED                          [100%]

============================== 3 passed in 0.02s ===============================

Success again. We are getting quite confident in the correctness of our implementation. Here is yet another test:

def test_dot_one_2():
    a1 = 1.0e16
    a   = [a1 , 1.0, -a1]
    one = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
    # test:
    aone = et_dot.dot(a,one)
    expected = 1.0
    assert aone == expected

Clearly, it is a special case of the test above. The expected result is the sum of the elements in a, that is 1.0. Yet it - unexpectedly - fails. Fortunately pytest produces a readable report about the failure:

> pytest tests -v
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform darwin -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-6.2.2, py-1.11.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot
collecting ... collected 4 items

tests/test_et_dot.py::test_dot_commutative PASSED                        [ 25%]
tests/test_et_dot.py::test_dot_one PASSED                                [ 50%]
tests/test_et_dot.py::test_dot_one_2 FAILED                              [ 75%]
tests/et_dot/test_et_dot.py::test_dot_aa PASSED                          [100%]

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
________________________________ test_dot_one_2 ________________________________

    def test_dot_one_2():
        a1 = 1.0e16
        a   = [a1 , 1.0, -a1]
        one = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
        # test:
        aone = et_dot.dot(a,one)
        expected = 1.0
>       assert aone == expected
E       assert 0.0 == 1.0
E         +0.0
E         -1.0

tests/test_et_dot.py:57: AssertionError
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED tests/test_et_dot.py::test_dot_one_2 - assert 0.0 == 1.0
========================= 1 failed, 3 passed in 0.04s ==========================

Mathematically, our expectations about the outcome of the test are certainly correct. Yet, pytest tells us it found that the result is 0.0 rather than 1.0. What could possibly be wrong? Well our mathematical expectations are based on our assumption that the elements of a are real numbers. They aren’t. The elements of a are floating point numbers, which can only represent a finite number of decimal digits. Double precision numbers, which are the default floating point type in Python, are typically truncated after 16 decimal digits, single precision numbers after 8. Observe the consequences of this in the Python statements below:

>>> print( 1.0 + 1e16 )
>>> print( 1e16 + 1.0 )

Because 1e16 is a 1 followed by 16 zeroes, adding 1 would alter the 17th digit,which is, because of the finite precision, not represented. An approximate result is returned, namely 1e16, which is of by a relative error of only 1e-16.

>>> print( 1e16 + 1.0 - 1e16 )
>>> print( 1e16 - 1e16 + 1.0 )
>>> print( 1.0 + 1e16 - 1e16 )

Although each of these expressions should yield 0.0, if they were real numbers, the result differs because of the finite precision. Python executes the expressions from left to right, so they are equivalent to:

>>> 1e16 + 1.0 - 1e16 = ( 1e16 + 1.0 ) - 1e16 = 1e16 - 1e16 = 0.0
>>> 1e16 - 1e16 + 1.0 = ( 1e16 - 1e16 ) + 1.0 = 0.0  + 1.0  = 1.0
>>> 1.0 + 1e16 - 1e16 = ( 1.0 + 1e16 ) - 1e16 = 1e16 - 1e16 = 0.0

There are several lessons to be learned from this:

  • The test does not fail because our code is wrong, but because our mind is used to reasoning about real number arithmetic, rather than floating point arithmetic rules. As the latter is subject to round-off errors, tests sometimes fail unexpectedly. Note that for comparing floating point numbers the the standard library provides a math.isclose() method.

  • Another silent assumption by which we can be mislead is in the random numbers. In fact, random.random() generates pseudo-random numbers in the interval ``[0,1[``, which is quite a bit smaller than ]-inf,+inf[. No matter how often we run the test the special case above that fails will never be encountered, which may lead to unwarranted confidence in the code.

So let us fix the failing test using math.isclose() to account for round-off errors by specifying an relative tolerance and negating the condition for the original test:

def test_dot_one_2():
    a1 = 1.0e16
    a   = [a1 , 1.0, -a1]
    one = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
    # test:
    aone = et_dot.dot(a,one)
    expected = 1.0
    assert aone != expected
    assert math.isclose(result, expected, rel_tol=1e-15)

Another aspect that deserves testing the behavior of the code in exceptional circumstances. Does it indeed raise ArithmeticError if the arguments are not of the same length?

import pytest

def test_dot_unequal_length():
    a = [1,2]
    b = [1,2,3]
    with pytest.raises(ArithmeticError):

Here, pytest.raises() is a context manager that will verify that ArithmeticError is raise when its body is executed. The test will succeed if indeed the code raises ArithmeticError and raise AssertionErrorError if not, causing the test to fail. For an explanation fo context managers see The Curious Case of Python’s Context Manager.Note that you can easily make et_dot.dot() raise other exceptions, e.g. TypeError by passing in arrays of non-numeric types:

>>> import et_dot
>>> et_dot.dot([1,2],[1,'two'])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/etijskens/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/et_rstor/__init__.py", line 445, in rstor
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "./et_dot/__init__.py", line 22, in dot
    result += a[i]*b[i]
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'int' and 'str'

Note that it is not the product a[i]*b[i] for i=1 that is wreaking havoc, but the addition of its result to d. Furthermore, Don’t bother the link to where the error occured in the traceback. It is due to the fact that this course is completely generated with Python rather than written by hand).

More tests could be devised, but the current tests give us sufficient confidence. The point where you stop testing and move on with the next issue, feature, or project is subject to various considerations, such as confidence, experience, problem understanding, and time pressure. In any case this is a good point to commit changes and additions, increase the version number string, and commit the version bumb as well:

> git add tests   #hide#

> git commit -a -m 'dot() tests added'
[main ff3d8ae] dot() tests added
 1 file changed, 73 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tests/test_et_dot.py

> micc2 version -p
[INFO]           (ET-dot)> version (0.0.0) -> (0.0.1)

> git commit -a -m 'v0.0.1'
[main 370795b] v0.0.1
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

The the micc2 version flag -p is shorthand for --patch, and requests incrementing the patch (=last) component of the version string, as seen in the output. The minor component can be incremented with -m or --minor, the major component with -M or --major.

At this point you might notice that even for a very simple and well defined function, as the dot product, the amount of test code easily exceeds the amount of tested code by a factor of 5 or more. This is not at all uncommon. As the tested code here is an isolated piece of code, you will probably leave it alone as soon as it passes the tests and you are confident in the solution. If at some point, the dot() would failyou should add a test that reproduces the error and improve the solution so that it passes the test.

When constructing software for more complex problems, there will be several interacting components and running the tests after modifying one of the components will help you assure that all components still play well together, and spot problems as soon as possible.

2.2. Improving efficiency

There are times when a just a correct solution to the problem at hand issufficient. If ET-dot is meant to compute a few dot products of small arrays, the naive implementation above will probably be sufficient. However, if it is to be used many times and for large arrays and the user is impatiently waiting for the answer, or if your computing resources are scarse, a more efficient implementation is needed. Especially in scientific computing and high performance computing, where compute tasks may run for days using hundreds or even thousands of of compute nodes and resources are to be shared with many researchers, using the resources efficiently is of utmost importance and efficient implementations are therefore indispensable.

However important efficiency may be, it is nevertheless a good strategy for developing a new piece of code, to start out with a simple, even naive implementation, neglecting efficiency considerations totally, instead focussing on correctness. Python has a reputation of being an extremely productive programming language. Once you have proven the correctness of this first version it can serve as a reference solution to verify the correctness of later more efficient implementations. In addition, the analysis of this version can highlight the sources of inefficiency and help you focus your attention to the parts that really need it.

2.2.1. Timing your code

The simplest way to probe the efficiency of your code is to time it: write a simple script and record how long it takes to execute. Here’s a script that computes the dot product of two long arrays of random numbers.

"""File prof/run1.py"""
import random
from et_dot import dot # the dot method is all we need from et_dot

def random_array(n=1000):
    """Create an array with n random numbers in [0,1[."""
    # Below we use a list comprehension (a Python idiom for
    # creating a list from an iterable object).
    a = [random.random() for i in range(n)]
    return a

if __name__=='__main__':
    a = random_array()
    b = random_array()
    print(dot(a, b))
    print("-*# done #*-")

Executing this script yields:

> python ./prof/run1.py
-*# done #*-


Every run of this script yields a slightly different outcome because we did not fix random.seed(). It will, however, typically be around 250. Since the average outcome of random.random() is 0.5, so every entry contributes on average 0.5*0.5 = 0.25 and as there are 1000 contributions, that makes on average 250.0.

We are now ready to time our script. There are many ways to achieve this. Here is a particularly good introduction. The et-stopwatch project takes this a little further. It can be installed in your current Python environment with pip:

> python -m pip install et-stopwatch
Requirement already satisfied: et-stopwatch in /Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages (1.0.5)

Although pip is complaining a bit about not being up to date, the installation is successful.

To time the script above, modify it as below, using the Stopwatch class as a context manager:

"""File prof/run1.py"""
import random
from et_dot import dot # the dot method is all we need from et_dot

from et_stopwatch import Stopwatch

def random_array(n=1000):
    """Create an array with n random numbers in [0,1[."""
    # Below we use a list comprehension (a Python idiom for
    # creating a list from an iterable object).
    a = [random.random() for i in range(n)]
    return a

if __name__=='__main__':
    with Stopwatch(message="init"):
        a = random_array()
        b = random_array()
    with Stopwatch(message="dot "):
        a_dot_b = dot(a, b)
    print("-*# done #*-")

and execute it again:

> python ./prof/run1.py
init : 0.000558 s
dot  : 0.000182 s
-*# done #*-

When the script is executed each with block will print the time it takes to execute its body. The first with block times the initialisation of the arrays, and the second times the computation of the dot product. Note that the initialization of the arrays takes a bit longer than the dot product computation. Computing random numbers is expensive.

2.2.2. Comparison to Numpy

As said earlier, our implementation of the dot product is rather naive. If you want to become a good programmer, you should understand that you are probably not the first researcher in need of a dot product implementation. For most linear algebra problems, Numpy provides very efficient implementations.Below the modified run1.py script adds timing results for the Numpy equivalent of our code.

"""File prof/run1.py"""
# ...
import numpy as np

if __name__=='__main__':
    with Stopwatch(message="et init"):
        a = random_array()
        b = random_array()
    with Stopwatch(message="et dot "):
    with Stopwatch(message="np init"):
        a = np.random.rand(1000)
        b = np.random.rand(1000)
    with Stopwatch(message="np dot "):
    print("-*# done #*-")

Its execution yields:

> python ./prof/run1.py
et init : 0.000295 s
et dot  : 0.000132 s
np init : 7.3e-05 s
np dot  : 9e-06 s
-*# done #*-

Obviously, numpy does significantly better than our naive dot product implementation. It completes the dot product in 7.5% of the time. It is important to understand the reasons for this improvement:

  • Numpy arrays are contiguous data structures of floating point numbers, unlike Python’s list which we have been using for our arrays, so far. In a Python list object is in fact a pointer that can point to an arbitrary Python object. The items in a Python list object may even belong to different types. Contiguous memory access is far more efficient. In addition, the memory footprint of a numpy array is significantly lower that that of a plain Python list.

  • The loop over Numpy arrays is implemented in a low-level programming languange, like C, C++ or Fortran. This allows to make full use of the processors hardware features, such as vectorization and fused multiply-add (FMA).


Note that also the initialisation of the arrays with numpy is almost 6 times faster, for roughly the same reasons.

2.2.3. Conclusion

There are three important generic lessons to be learned from this tutorial:

  1. Always start your projects with a simple and straightforward implementation which can be easily be proven to be correct, even if you know that it will not satisfy your efficiency constraints. You should use it as a reference solution to prove the correctness of later more efficient implementations.

  2. Write test code for proving correctness. Tests must be reproducible, and be run after every code extension or modification to ensure that the changes did not break the existing code.

  3. Time your code to understand which parts are time consuming and which not. Optimize bottlenecks first and do not waste time optimizing code that does not contribute significantly to the total runtime. Optimized code is typically harder to read and may become a maintenance issue.

  4. Before you write any code, in this case our dot product implementation, spend some time searching the internet to see what is already available. Especially in the field of scientific and high performance computing there are many excellent libraries available which are hard to beat. Use your precious time for new stuff. Consider adding new features to an existing codebase, rather than starting from scratch. It will improve your programming skills and gain you time, even though initially your progress may seem slower. It might also give your code more visibility, and more users, because you provide them with and extra feature on top of something they are already used to.

3. Binary extension modules

3.1. Introduction - High Performance Python

Suppose for a moment that our dot product implementation et_dot.dot() we developed in tutorial-2` is way too slow to be practical for the research project that needs it, and that we did not have access to fast dot product implementations, such as numpy.dot(). The major advantage we took from Python is that coding et_dot.dot() was extremely easy, and even coding the tests wasn’t too difficult. In this tutorial you are about to discover that coding a highly efficient replacement for et_dot.dot() is not too difficult either. There are several approaches for this. Here are a number of highly recommended links covering them:

Two of the approaches discussed in the High Performance Python series involve rewriting your code in Modern Fortran or C++ and generate a shared library that can be imported in Python just as any Python module. This is exactly the approach taken in important HPC Python modules, such as Numpy, pyTorch and pandas.Such shared libraries are called binary extension modules. Constructing binary extension modules is by far the most scalable and flexible of all current acceleration strategies, as these languages are designed to squeeze the maximum of performance out of a CPU.

However, figuring out how to build such binary extension modules is a bit of a challenge, especially in the case of C++. This is in fact one of the main reasons why Micc2 was designed: facilitating the construction of binary extension modules and enabling the developer to create high performance tools with ease. To that end, Micc2 can provide boilerplate code for binary extensions as well a practical wrapper for building the binary extension modules, the micc2 build command. This command uses CMake to pass the build options to the compiler, while bridging the gap between C++ and Fortran, on one hand and Python on the other hand using pybind11 and f2py. respectively. This is illustrated in the figure below:


There is a difference in how f2py and pybind11 operate. F2py is an executable that inspects the Fortran source code and creates wrappers for the subprograms it finds. These wrappers are C code, compiled and linked with the compiled Fortran code to build the extension module. Thus, f2py needs a Fortran compiler, as well as a C compiler. The Pybind11 approach is conceptually simpler. Pybind11_is a C++ template library that the programmer uses to express the interface between Python and C++. In fact the introspection is done by the programmer, and there is only one compiler round, using a C++ compiler. This gives the programmer more flexibility and control, but also a bit more work.

3.1.1. Choosing between Fortran and C++ for binary extension modules

Here are a number of arguments that you may wish to take into account for choosing the programming language for your binary extension modules:

  • Fortran is a simpler language than C++.

  • It is easier to write efficient code in Fortran than C++.

  • C++ is a general purpose language (as is Python), whereas Fortran is meant for scientific computing. Consequently, C++ is a much more expressive language.

  • C++ comes with a huge standard library, providing lots of data structures and algorithms that are hard to match in Fortran. If the standard library is not enough, there are also the highly recommended Boost libraries and many other high quality domain specific libraries. There are also domain specific libraries in Fortran, but their count differs by an order of magnitude at least.

  • With Pybind11 you can almost expose anything from the C++ side to Python, and vice versa, not just functions.

  • Modern Fortran is (imho) not as good documented as C++. Useful places to look for language features and idioms are:

In short, C++ provides much more possibilities, but it is not for the novice. As to my own experience, I discovered that working on projects of moderate complexity I progressed significantly faster using Fortran rather than C++, despite the fact that my knowledge of Fortran is quite limited compared to C++. However, your mileage may vary.

3.2. Adding Binary extensions to a Micc2 project

Adding a binary extension to your current project is simple. To add a binary extension ‘foo’ written in (Modern) Fortran, run:

> micc add foo --f90

and for a C++ binary extension, run:

> micc add bar --cpp

The add subcommand adds a component to your project. It specifies a name, here, foo, and a flag to specify the kind of the component, --f90 for a Fortran binary extension module, --cpp for a C++ binary extension module. Other components are a Python sub-module with module structure (--module), or package structure --package, and a CLI script (–cli and –clisub).

You can add as many components to your project as you want.

The binary modules are build with the micc2 build command. :

> micc2 build foo

This builds the Fortran binary extension foo. To build all binary extensions at once, just issue micc2 build.

As Micc2 always creates complete working examples you can build the binary extensions right away and run their tests with pytest

If there are no syntax errors the binary extensions will be built, and you will be able to import the modules foo and bar in your project scripts and use their subroutines and functions. Because foo and bar are submodules of your micc project, you must import them as:

import my_package.foo
import my_package.bar

# call foofun in my_package.foo

# call barfun in my_package.bar

3.2.1. Build options

Here is an overview of micc2 build options:

> micc2 build --help
Usage: micc2 build [OPTIONS] [MODULE]

  Build binary extensions.

  :param str module: build a binary extension module. If not specified or
  all binary     extension modules are built.

  -b, --build-type TEXT  build type: any of the standard CMake build types:
                         Release (default), Debug, RelWithDebInfo, MinSizeRel.
  --clean                Perform a clean build, removes the build directory
                         before the build, if there is one. Note that this
                         option is necessary if the extension's
                         ``CMakeLists.txt`` was modified.
  --cleanup              Cleanup remove the build directory after a successful
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

3.3. Building binary extension modules from Fortran

So, in order to implement a more efficient dot product, let us add a Fortran binary extension module with name dotf:

> micc2 add dotf --f90
[INFO]           [ Adding f90 submodule dotf to package et_dot.
[INFO]               - Fortran source in       /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/dotf.f90.
[INFO]               - build settings in       /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/CMakeLists.txt.
[INFO]               - module documentation in /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/dotf.rst (restructuredText format).
[INFO]               - Python test code in     /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/tests/et_dot/dotf/test_dotf.py.
[INFO]           ] done.

The command now runs successfully, and the output tells us where to enter the Fortran source code, the build settings, the test code and the documentation of the added module. Everything related to the dotf sub-module is in subdirectory ET-dot/et_dot/dotf. That directory has a f90_ prefix indicating that it relates to a Fortran binary extension module. As useal, these files contain already working example code that you an inspect to learn how things work.

Let’s continue our development of a Fortran version of the dot product. Open file ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/dotf.f90 in your favorite editor or IDE and replace the existing example code in the Fortran source file with:

function dot(a,b,n)
  ! Compute the dot product of a and b
    implicit none
    real*8 :: dot ! return  value
  ! Declare function parameters
    integer*4              , intent(in)    :: n
    real*8   , dimension(n), intent(in)    :: a,b
  ! Declare local variables
    integer*4 :: i
    dot = 0.
    do i=1,n
        dot = dot + a(i) * b(i)
    end do
end function dot

The binary extension module can now be built:

> micc2 build dotf
[INFO] [ Building f90 module 'et_dot/dotf':
[DEBUG]          [ > cmake -D PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/bin/python ..
[DEBUG]              (stdout)
                       -- The Fortran compiler identification is GNU 11.2.0
                       -- Checking whether Fortran compiler has -isysroot
                       -- Checking whether Fortran compiler has -isysroot - yes
                       -- Checking whether Fortran compiler supports OSX deployment target flag
                       -- Checking whether Fortran compiler supports OSX deployment target flag - yes
                       -- Detecting Fortran compiler ABI info
                       -- Detecting Fortran compiler ABI info - done
                       -- Check for working Fortran compiler: /usr/local/bin/gfortran - skipped
                       -- Checking whether /usr/local/bin/gfortran supports Fortran 90
                       -- Checking whether /usr/local/bin/gfortran supports Fortran 90 - yes

                       # Build settings ###################################################################################
                       CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER: /usr/local/bin/gfortran
                       CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE      : Release
                       F2PY_opt              : --opt='-O3'
                       F2PY_arch             :
                       F2PY_f90flags         :
                       F2PY_debug            :
                       F2PY_defines          : -DNPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API=NPY_1_7_API_VERSION;-DF2PY_REPORT_ON_ARRAY_COPY=1;-DNDEBUG
                       F2PY_includes         :
                       F2PY_linkdirs         :
                       F2PY_linklibs         :
                       module name           : dotf.cpython-38-darwin.so
                       module filepath       : /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/dotf.cpython-38-darwin.so
                       source                : /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/dotf.f90
                       python executable     : /Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/bin/python [version=Python 3.8.5]
                         f2py executable     : /Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/bin/f2py [version=2]
                       -- Configuring done
                       -- Generating done
                       -- Build files have been written to: /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build
[DEBUG]          ] done.
[DEBUG]          [ > make VERBOSE=1
[DEBUG]              (stdout)
                       /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.21.2/bin/cmake -S/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf -B/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 0
                       /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.21.2/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_start /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/CMakeFiles /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build//CMakeFiles/progress.marks
                       /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make  -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 all
                       /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make  -f CMakeFiles/dotf.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/dotf.dir/depend
                       cd /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build && /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.21.2/bin/cmake -E cmake_depends "Unix Makefiles" /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/CMakeFiles/dotf.dir/DependInfo.cmake --color=
                       /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make  -f CMakeFiles/dotf.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/dotf.dir/build
                       [100%] Generating dotf.cpython-38-darwin.so
                       /Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/bin/f2py -m dotf -c --f90exec=/usr/local/bin/gfortran /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/dotf.f90 -DNPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API=NPY_1_7_API_VERSION -DF2PY_REPORT_ON_ARRAY_COPY=1 -DNDEBUG --opt='-O3' --build-dir /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build
                       running build
                       running config_cc
                       unifing config_cc, config, build_clib, build_ext, build commands --compiler options
                       running config_fc
                       unifing config_fc, config, build_clib, build_ext, build commands --fcompiler options
                       running build_src
                       building extension "dotf" sources
                       f2py options: []
                       f2py:> /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/src.macosx-10.15-x86_64-3.8/dotfmodule.c
                       creating /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/src.macosx-10.15-x86_64-3.8
                       Reading fortran codes...
                            Reading file '/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/dotf.f90' (format:free)
                            Block: dotf
                                            Block: dot
                       Post-processing (stage 2)...
                       Building modules...
                            Building module "dotf"...
                                    Creating wrapper for Fortran function "dot"("dot")...
                                    Constructing wrapper function "dot"...
                                      dot = dot(a,b,[n])
                            Wrote C/API module "dotf" to file "/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/src.macosx-10.15-x86_64-3.8/dotfmodule.c"
                            Fortran 77 wrappers are saved to "/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/src.macosx-10.15-x86_64-3.8/dotf-f2pywrappers.f"
                         adding '/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/src.macosx-10.15-x86_64-3.8/fortranobject.c' to sources.
                         adding '/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/src.macosx-10.15-x86_64-3.8' to include_dirs.
                       copying /Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/f2py/src/fortranobject.c -> /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/src.macosx-10.15-x86_64-3.8
                       copying /Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/f2py/src/fortranobject.h -> /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/src.macosx-10.15-x86_64-3.8
                         adding '/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/src.macosx-10.15-x86_64-3.8/dotf-f2pywrappers.f' to sources.
                       build_src: building npy-pkg config files
                       running build_ext
                       customize UnixCCompiler
                       customize UnixCCompiler using build_ext
                       get_default_fcompiler: matching types: '['gnu95', 'nag', 'absoft', 'ibm', 'intel', 'gnu', 'g95', 'pg']'
                       customize Gnu95FCompiler
                       Found executable /usr/local/bin/gfortran
                       Found executable /usr/local/bin/gfortran
                       customize Gnu95FCompiler
                       customize Gnu95FCompiler using build_ext
                       building 'dotf' extension
                       compiling C sources
                       C compiler: clang -Wno-unused-result -Wsign-compare -Wunreachable-code -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -I/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include -I/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include

                       creating /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/Users
                       creating /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/Users/etijskens
                       creating /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/Users/etijskens/software
                       creating /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/Users/etijskens/software/dev
                       creating /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace
                       creating /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp
                       creating /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot
                       creating /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot
                       creating /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf
                       creating /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build
                       creating /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/src.macosx-10.15-x86_64-3.8
                       compile options: '-DNPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API=NPY_1_7_API_VERSION -DF2PY_REPORT_ON_ARRAY_COPY=1 -DNDEBUG -DNPY_DISABLE_OPTIMIZATION=1 -I/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/src.macosx-10.15-x86_64-3.8 -I/Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/core/include -I/Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/include/python3.8 -c'
                       clang: /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/src.macosx-10.15-x86_64-3.8/dotfmodule.c
                       clang: /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/src.macosx-10.15-x86_64-3.8/fortranobject.c
                       /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/src.macosx-10.15-x86_64-3.8/dotfmodule.c:144:12: warning: unused function 'f2py_size' [-Wunused-function]
                       static int f2py_size(PyArrayObject* var, ...)
                       1 warning generated.
                       compiling Fortran sources
                       Fortran f77 compiler: /usr/local/bin/gfortran -Wall -g -ffixed-form -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O3
                       Fortran f90 compiler: /usr/local/bin/gfortran -Wall -g -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O3
                       Fortran fix compiler: /usr/local/bin/gfortran -Wall -g -ffixed-form -fno-second-underscore -Wall -g -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O3
                       compile options: '-DNPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API=NPY_1_7_API_VERSION -DF2PY_REPORT_ON_ARRAY_COPY=1 -DNDEBUG -I/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/src.macosx-10.15-x86_64-3.8 -I/Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/core/include -I/Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/include/python3.8 -c'
                       gfortran:f90: /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/dotf.f90
                       gfortran:f77: /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/src.macosx-10.15-x86_64-3.8/dotf-f2pywrappers.f
                       /usr/local/bin/gfortran -Wall -g -Wall -g -undefined dynamic_lookup -bundle /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/src.macosx-10.15-x86_64-3.8/dotfmodule.o /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/src.macosx-10.15-x86_64-3.8/fortranobject.o /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/dotf.o /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/src.macosx-10.15-x86_64-3.8/dotf-f2pywrappers.o -L/usr/local/Cellar/gcc/11.2.0/lib/gcc/11/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin20/11.2.0 -L/usr/local/Cellar/gcc/11.2.0/lib/gcc/11/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin20/11.2.0/../../.. -L/usr/local/Cellar/gcc/11.2.0/lib/gcc/11/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin20/11.2.0/../../.. -lgfortran -o ./dotf.cpython-38-darwin.so
                       ld: warning: dylib (/usr/local/Cellar/gcc/11.2.0/lib/gcc/11/libgfortran.dylib) was built for newer macOS version (11.3) than being linked (10.15)
                       ld: warning: dylib (/usr/local/Cellar/gcc/11.2.0/lib/gcc/11/libquadmath.dylib) was built for newer macOS version (11.3) than being linked (10.15)
                       [100%] Built target dotf
                       /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.21.2/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_start /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/_cmake_build/CMakeFiles 0
[DEBUG]          ] done.
[DEBUG]          [ > make install
[DEBUG]              (stdout)
                       [100%] Built target dotf
                       Install the project...
                       -- Install configuration: "Release"
                       -- Installing: /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/../dotf.cpython-38-darwin.so
[DEBUG]          ] done.
[INFO] ] done.
[INFO]           Binary extensions built successfully:
[INFO]           - /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotf.cpython-38-darwin.so

The command produces a lot of output, which comes from CMake, f2py, thecompilation of the Fortran code, and the compilation of the wrappers of the fortran code, which are written in C.If there are no syntax errors in the Fortran code, the binary extension module will build successfully, as above and be installed in a the package directory of our project ET-dot/et_dot. The full module name is dotf.cpython-38-darwin.so. The extension is composed of: the kind of Python distribution (cpython), the MAJORminor version string of the Python version being used (38 as we are running Python 3.8.5), the OS on which we are working (<module 'os' from '/Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/os.py'>), and an extension indicating a shared library on this OS (.so). This file can be imported in a Python script, by using the filename without the extension, i.e. dotf. As the module was built successfully, we can test it. Here is some test code. Enter it in file ET-dot/tests/test_dotf.py:

import numpy as np
import et_dot
# create an alias for the dotf binary extension module
f90 = et_dot.dotf

def test_dot_aa():
    # create an numpy array of floats:
    a = np.array([0,1,2,3,4],dtype=float)
    # use the original dot implementation to compute the expected result:
    expected = et_dot.dot(a,a)
    # call the dot function in the binary extension module with the same arguments:
    a_dot_a = f90.dot(a,a)
    assert a_dot_a == expected

Then run the test (we only run the test for the dotf module, as we did not touch the et_dot.dot() implementation):

> pytest tests/et_dot/dotf/test_dotf.py
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform darwin -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-6.2.2, py-1.11.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot
collected 1 item

tests/et_dot/dotf/test_dotf.py .                                         [100%]

============================== 1 passed in 0.43s ===============================

The astute reader will notice the magic that is happening here: a is a numpy array, which is passed as the first and second parameter to the et_dot.dotf.dot() function defined in our binary extension module. Note that the third parameter of the et_dot.dotf.dot() function is omitted. How did that happen? The micc2 build command uses f2py to build the binary extension module. When calling et_dot.dotf.dot() you are in fact calling a wrapper function that f2py created that extracts the pointer to the memory of array a and its length. The wrapper function then calls the Fortran function with the approprioate parameters as specified in the Fortran function definition. This invisible wrapper function is in fact rather intelligent, it even handles type conversions. E.g. we can pass in a Python array, and the wrapper will convert it into a numpy array, or an array of ints, and the wrapper will convert it into a float array. In fact the wrapper considers all implicit type conversions allowed by Python. However practical this feature may be, type conversion requires copying the entire array and converting each element. For long arrays this may be prohibitively expensive. For this reason the et_dot/dotf/CMakeLists.txt file specifies the F2PY_REPORT_ON_ARRAY_COPY=1 flag which makes the wrappers issue a warning to tell you that you should modify the client program to pass types to the wrapper which to not require conversion.

>>> import et_dot
>>> a = [1,2,3]
>>> b = [2,2,2]
>>> print(et_dot.dot(a,b))
>>> print(et_dot.dotf.dot(a,b))
created an array from object
created an array from object

Here, a and b are plain Python lists, not numpy arrays, andthey contain int numbers. et_dot.dot() therefore also returns an int (12). However, the Fortran implementation et_dot.dotf.dot() expects an array of floats and returns a float (12.0). The wrapper converts the Python lists a and b to numpy float arrays. If the binary extension module was compiled with F2PY_REPORT_ON_ARRAY_COPY=1 (the default setting) the wrapper will warn you with the message``created an array from object``. If we construct the numpy arrays ourselves, but still of type int, the wrapper has to convert the int array into a float array, because that is what corresponds the the Fortran real*8 type, and will warn that it copied the array to make the conversion:

>>> import et_dot
>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.array([1,2,3])
>>> b = np.array([2,2,2])
>>> print(et_dot.dot(a,b))
>>> print(et_dot.dotf.dot(a,b))
copied an array: size=3, elsize=8
copied an array: size=3, elsize=8

Here, size refers to the length of the array, and elsize is thenumber of bytes needed for each element of the target array type, c.q. a float.


The wrappers themselves are generated in C code, so, you not only need a Fortran compiler, but also a C compiler.

Note that the test code did not explicitly import et_dot.dotf, just et_dot. This is only possible because Micc2 has modified et_dot/__init__.py to import every submodule that has been added to the project:

# in file et_dot/__init__.py
import et_dot.dotf

If the submodule et_dot.dotf was not built or failed to build, that import statement will fail and raise a ModuleNotFoundError exception. Micc2 has added a little extra magic to attempt to build the module automatically in that case:

# in file et_dot/__init__.py
    import et_dot.dotf
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
    # Try to build this binary extension:
    from pathlib import Path
    import click
    from et_micc2.project import auto_build_binary_extension
    msg = auto_build_binary_extension(Path(__file__).parent, "dotf")
    if not msg:
        import et_dot.dotf
        click.secho(msg, fg="bright_red")

Obviously, you should also add the other tests we created for the Python implementation.

3.3.1. Dealing with Fortran modules

Modern Fortran has a module concept of its own. This may be a bit confusing, as we have been talking about modules in a Python context, so far. The Fortran module is meant to group variable and procedure definitions that conceptually belong together. Inside fortran they are comparable to C/C++ header files. Here is an example:

MODULE my_f90_module
implicit none
  function dot(a,b,n)
  ! Compute the dot product of a and b
    implicit none
    integer*4              , intent(in)    :: n
    real*8   , dimension(n), intent(in)    :: a,b
    real*8                                 :: dot
  ! declare local variables
    integer*4 :: i
    dot = 0.
    do i=1,n
        dot = dot + a(i) * b(i)
    end do
  end function dot
END MODULE my_f90_module

F2py translates the module containing the Fortran dot definition into an extra namespace appearing in between the dotf Python submodule and the dot() function, which is found in et_dot.dotf.my_f90_module instead of in et_dot.dotf.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import et_dot
>>> a = np.array([1.,2.,3.])
>>> b = np.array([2.,2.,2.])
>>> print(et_dot.dotf.my_f90_module.dot(a,b))
>>> # If typing this much annoys you, you can create an alias to the `Fortran module`:
>>> f90 = et_dot.dotf.my_f90_module
>>> print(f90.dot(a,b))

This time there is no warning from the wrapper as a and b are numpy arrays of type float, which correspond to Fortran’s real*8, so no conversion is needed.

3.3.2. Controlling the build

The build parameters for our Fortran binary extension module are detailed in the file et_dot/dotf/CMakeLists.txt. This is a rather lengthy file, but most of it is boilerplate code which you should not need to touch. The boilerplate sections are clearly marked. By default this file specifies that a release version is to be built. The file documents a set of CMake variables that can be used to control the build type:


  • F2PY_noopt : turn off optimization options

  • F2PY_noarch : turn off architecture specific optimization options

  • F2PY_f90flags : additional compiler options

  • F2PY_arch : architecture specific optimization options

  • F2PY_opt : optimization options

In addition you can specify:

  • preprocessor macro definitions

  • include directories

  • link directories

  • link libraries

Here are the sections of CMakeLists.txt to control the build. Uncomment the relevant lines and modify them to your needs.

...                                                         # (boilerplate code omitted for clarity)
# Set the build type:
#  - If you do not specify a build type, it is Release by default.
#  - Note that the DEBUG build type will trigger f2py's '--noopt --noarch --debug' options.
# set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug | MinSizeRel | Release | RelWithHDebInfo)
...                                                         # (boilerplate code omitted for clarity)
######################################################################### Customization section ####
# Specify compiler options #########################################################################
# Uncomment to turn off optimization:
# set(F2PY_noopt 1)
# Uncomment to turn off architecture specific optimization:
# set(F2PY_noarch 1)
# Set additional f90 compiler flags:
# set(F2PY_f90flags your_flags_here)
# set(F2PY_f90flags -cpp)   # enable the C preprocessor (preprocessor directives must appear on the
                            # on the first column of the line).
# Set architecture specific optimization compiler flags:
# set(F2PY_arch your_flags_here)
# Overwrite optimization flags
# set(F2PY_opt your_flags_here)
# Add preprocessor macro definitions ###############################################################
# add_compile_definitions(
#     OPENFOAM=1912                     # set value
#     WM_LABEL_SIZE=$ENV{WM_LABEL_SIZE} # set value from environment variable
#     WM_DP                             # just define the macro
# )
# Add include directories ##########################################################################
# include_directories(
#     path/to/dir1
#     path/to/dir2
# )
# Add link directories #############################################################################
# link_directories(
#     path/to/dir1
# )
# Add link libraries (lib1 -> liblib1.so) ##########################################################
# link_libraries(
#     lib1
#     lib2
# )
...                                                         # (boilerplate code omitted for clarity)

3.4. Building binary extensions from C++

To illustrate building binary extension modules from C++ code, let us also create a C++ implementation for the dot product. Analogously to our dotf module we will call the C++ module dotc, where the c refers to C++, naturally.

Use the micc2 add command to add a cpp module:

> micc2 add dotc --cpp
[INFO]           [ Adding cpp submodule dotc to package et_dot.
[INFO]               - C++ source in           /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotc/dotc.cpp.
[INFO]               - build settings in       /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotc/CMakeLists.txt.
[INFO]               - module documentation in /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotc/dotc.rst (restructuredText format).
[INFO]               - Python test code in     /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/tests/et_dot/dotc/test_dotc.py.
[INFO]           ] done.

As before, the output tells us where we need to add the details of the component we added to our project.

Numpy does not have an equivalent of F2py to create wrappers for C++ code. Instead, Micc2 uses Pybind11 to generate the wrappers. For an excellent overview of this topic, check out Python & C++, the beauty and the beast, dancing together. Pybind11 has a lot of ‘automagical’ features, and the fact that it is a header-only C++ library makes its use much simpler than, e.g., Boost.Python, which offers very similar features, but is not header-only and additionally depends on the python version you want to use. Consequently, you need a build a Boost.Python library for every Python version you want to use.

Enter this code in the C++ source file ET-dot/et_dot/dotc/dotc.cpp. (you may also remove the example code in that file.)

#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/numpy.h>

dot ( pybind11::array_t<double> a
    , pybind11::array_t<double> b
 // requeest acces to the memory of the Numpy array objects a and b
   auto bufa = a.request()
      , bufb = b.request()
 // verify dimensions and shape:
    if( bufa.ndim != 1 || bufb.ndim != 1 ) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Number of dimensions must be one");
    if( (bufa.shape[0] != bufb.shape[0]) ) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Input shapes must match");
 // provide access to raw memory
 // because the Numpy arrays are mutable by default, py::array_t is mutable too.
 // Below we declare the raw C++ arrays for x and y as const to make their intent clear.
    double const *ptra = static_cast<double const *>(bufa.ptr);
    double const *ptrb = static_cast<double const *>(bufb.ptr);

 // compute the dot product and return the result:
    double d = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < bufa.shape[0]; i++)
       d += ptra[i] * ptrb[i];
    return d;

// describe what goes in the module
PYBIND11_MODULE(dotc, m) // `m` is a variable holding the module definition
                         // `dotc` is the module's name
{// A module doc-string (optional):
    m.doc() = "C++ binary extension module `dotc`";
 // List the functions you want to expose:
 // m.def("exposed_name", function_pointer, "doc-string for the exposed function");
    m.def("dot", &dot, "Compute the dot product of two arrays.");

Obviously the C++ source code is more involved than its Fortran equivalent in the previous section. This is because f2py is a program performing clever introspection into the Fortran source code, whereas pybind11 is just a C++ template library and as such it needs a little help from the user. This is, however, compensated by the flexibility of Pybind11.

We can now build the module:

micc2 build dotc
[INFO] [ Building cpp module 'et_dot/dotc':
[DEBUG]          [ > cmake -D PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/bin/python -D pybind11_DIR=/Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pybind11/share/cmake/pybind11 ..
[DEBUG]              (stdout)
                       -- The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang
                       -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
                       -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
                       -- Check for working CXX compiler: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++ - skipped
                       -- Detecting CXX compile features
                       -- Detecting CXX compile features - done
                       pybind11_DIR : /Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pybind11/share/cmake/pybind11
                       -- Found PythonInterp: /Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/bin/python (found version "3.8.5")
                       -- Found PythonLibs: /Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/libpython3.8.a
                       -- Performing Test HAS_FLTO
                       -- Performing Test HAS_FLTO - Success
                       -- Performing Test HAS_FLTO_THIN
                       -- Performing Test HAS_FLTO_THIN - Success
                       -- Found pybind11: /Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pybind11/include (found version "2.6.2" )
                       -- Configuring done
                       -- Generating done
                       -- Build files have been written to: /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotc/_cmake_build
[DEBUG]          ] done.
[DEBUG]          [ > make VERBOSE=1
[DEBUG]              (stdout)
                       /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.21.2/bin/cmake -S/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotc -B/Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotc/_cmake_build --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 0
                       /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.21.2/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_start /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotc/_cmake_build/CMakeFiles /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotc/_cmake_build//CMakeFiles/progress.marks
                       /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make  -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 all
                       /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make  -f CMakeFiles/dotc.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/dotc.dir/depend
                       cd /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotc/_cmake_build && /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.21.2/bin/cmake -E cmake_depends "Unix Makefiles" /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotc /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotc /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotc/_cmake_build /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotc/_cmake_build /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotc/_cmake_build/CMakeFiles/dotc.dir/DependInfo.cmake --color=
                       /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make  -f CMakeFiles/dotc.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/dotc.dir/build
                       [ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/dotc.dir/dotc.cpp.o
                       /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++ -Ddotc_EXPORTS -isystem /Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pybind11/include -isystem /Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/include/python3.8 -isysroot /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX11.3.sdk -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -flto -std=gnu++11 -MD -MT CMakeFiles/dotc.dir/dotc.cpp.o -MF CMakeFiles/dotc.dir/dotc.cpp.o.d -o CMakeFiles/dotc.dir/dotc.cpp.o -c /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotc/dotc.cpp
                       [100%] Linking CXX shared module dotc.cpython-38-darwin.so
                       /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.21.2/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/dotc.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
                       /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++  -isysroot /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX11.3.sdk -bundle -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names -Xlinker -undefined -Xlinker dynamic_lookup -flto -o dotc.cpython-38-darwin.so CMakeFiles/dotc.dir/dotc.cpp.o
                       [100%] Built target dotc
                       /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.21.2/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_start /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotc/_cmake_build/CMakeFiles 0
[DEBUG]          ] done.
[DEBUG]          [ > make install
[DEBUG]              (stdout)
                       Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target dotc
                       [100%] Built target dotc
                       Install the project...
                       -- Install configuration: ""
                       -- Installing: /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotc/../dotc.cpython-38-darwin.so
[DEBUG]          ] done.
[INFO] ] done.
[INFO]           Binary extensions built successfully:
[INFO]           - /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/dotc.cpython-38-darwin.so
['/Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages', '/Users/etijskens/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages']

The build command produces quit a bit of output, though typically less that for a Fortran binary extension module. If the source file does not have any syntax errors, and the build did not experience any problems, the package directory et_dot will contain a binary extension module dotc.cpython-38-darwin.so, along with the previously built dotf.cpython-38-darwin.so.

Here is some test code. It is almost exactly the same as that for the f90 module dotf, except for the module name. Enter the test code in ET-dot/tests/et_dot/dotc/test_dotc.py:

import numpy as np
import et_dot

# create alias to dotc binary extension module:
cpp = et_dot.dotc

def test_dotc_aa():
    a = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=float)
    expected = np.dot(a, a)
    # call function dotc in the binary extension module:
    a_dot_a = cpp.dot(a, a)
    assert a_dot_a == expected

The test passes successfully. Obviously, you should also add the other tests we created for the Python implementation.

pytest tests/et_dot/dotc/test_dotc.py
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform darwin -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-6.2.2, py-1.11.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot
collected 1 item

tests/et_dot/dotc/test_dotc.py .                                         [100%]

============================== 1 passed in 0.32s ===============================


The Pybind11 wrappers automatically apply the same conversions as the F2py wrappers. Here is an example where the input arrays are a plain Python list containing int values. The wrapper converts them on the fly into a contiguous array of float``valuwa (which correspond to C++'s ``double) and returns a float:

>>> import et_dot
>>> print(et_dot.dotc.dot([1,2],[3,4]))

This time, however, there is no warning that the wrapper converted or copied. As converting and copying of large is time consuming, this may incur a non-negligable cost on your application, Moreover, if the arrays are overwritten in the C++ code and serve for output, the result will not be copied back, and will be lost. This will result in a bug in the client code, as it will continue its execution with the original values.

3.3.1. Controlling the build

The build parameters for our C++ binary extension module are detailed in the file et_dot/cpp_dotc/CMakeLists.txt, just as in the f90 case. It contains significantly less boilerplate code (which you should not need to touch) and provides the same functionality. Here is the section of et_dot/cpp_dotc/CMakeLists.txt that you might want to adjust to your needs:

...                                                         # (boilerplate code omitted for clarity)
######################################################################### Customization section ####
# set compiler:
# set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER path/to/executable)
# Set build type:
# Add compiler options:
# set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} <additional C++ compiler options>")
# Request a specific C++ standard:
# Add preprocessor macro definitions:
# add_compile_definitions(
#     OPENFOAM=1912                     # set value
#     WM_LABEL_SIZE=$ENV{WM_LABEL_SIZE} # set value from environment variable
#     WM_DP                             # just define the macro
# )
# Add include directories
#     path/to/dir1
#     path/to/dir2
# )
# Add link directories
# link_directories(
#     path/to/dir1
# )
# Add link libraries (lib1 -> liblib1.so)
# link_libraries(
#     lib1
#     lib2
# )
...                                                         # (boilerplate code omitted for clarity)

3.5. Data type issues

When interfacing several programming languages data types require special care. We already noted that although conversions are automatic if possible, they may be costly. It is always more computationally efficient that the data types on both sides (Python and respectively Fortran or C++) correspond. Here is a table with the most relevant numeric data types in Python, Fortran and C++.

data type




unsigned integer



signed long int

unsigned integer



signed long long int

signed integer

np.int32, int


signed long int

signed integer



signed long long int

floating point

np.float32, np,single



floating point

np.float64, np.double, float











If there is automatic conversion between two data types in Python, e.g. from float32 to float64 the wrappers around our function will perform the conversion automatically if needed. This happens both for Fortran and C++. However, this comes with the cost of copying and converting, which is sometimes not acceptable.

The result of a Fortran function and a C++ function in a binary extension module is always copied back to the Python variable that will hold it. As copying large data structures is detrimental to performance this shoud be avoided. The solution to this problem is to write Fortran functions or subroutines and C++ functions that accept the result variable as an argument and modify it in place, so that the copy operaton is avoided. Consider this example of a Fortran subroutine that computes the sum of two arrays.

subroutine add(a,b,sum,n)
  ! Compute the sum of arrays a and b and overwrite
  ! array sum with the result
    implicit none
  ! Declare arguments
    integer*4              , intent(in)    :: n
    real*8   , dimension(n), intent(in)    :: a,b
    real*8   , dimension(n), intent(inout) :: sum
  ! Declare local variables
    integer*4 :: i
  ! Compute the sum
    do i=1,n
        sum(i) = a(i) + b(i)
    end do
end subroutine add

The crucial issue here is that the result array sumab is qualified as intent(inout), meaning that the add function has both read and write access to it. This function would be called in Python like this:

Let us add this method to our dotf binary extension module, just to demonstrate its use.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import et_dot
>>> a = np.array([1.,2.])
>>> b = np.array([3.,4.])
>>> sum = np.empty(len(a),dtype=float)
>>> et_dot.dotf.add(a,b, sum)
>>> print(sum)
[4. 6.]

If add would have been qualified as as intent(in), as the input parameters a and b, add would not be able to modify the sum array. On the other hand, and rather surprisingly, qualifying it with intent(out) forces f2py to consider the variable as a left hand side variable and define a wrapper that in Python would be called like this:

sum = et_dot.dotf.add(a,b)

This obviously implies copying the contents of the result array to the Python variable sum, which, as said, may be prohibitively expensive.

So, the general advice is: use functions to return only variables of small size, like a single number, or a tuple, maybe even a small fixed size array, but certainly not a large array. If you have result variables of large size, compute them in place in parameters with intent(inout). If there is no useful small variable to return, use a subroutine instead of a function. Sometimes it is useful to have functions return an error code, or the CPU time the computation used, while the result of the computation is computed in a parameter with intent(inout), as below:

function add(a,b,sum,n)
  ! Compute the sum of arrays a and b and overwrite array sumab with the result
  ! Return the CPU time consumed in seconds.
    implicit none
    real*8 add ! return value
  ! Declare arguments
    integer*4              , intent(in)    :: n
    real*8   , dimension(n), intent(in)    :: a,b
    real*8   , dimension(n), intent(inout) :: sum
  ! declare local variables
    integer*4 :: i
    real*8 :: start, finish
  ! Compute the result
    call cpu_time(start)
      do i=1,n
        sum(i) = a(i) + b(i)
      end do
    call cpu_time(finish)
    add = finish-start
end function add

Note that Python does not require you to store the return value of a function. The above add function might be called as:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import et_dot
>>> a = np.array([1.,2.])
>>> b = np.array([3.,4.])
>>> sum = np.empty(len(a),dtype=float)
>>> cputime = et_dot.dotf.add(a,b, sum)
>>> print(cputime)
>>> print(sum)
[4. 6.]

Computing large arrays in place can be accomplished in C++ quite similarly. As Python does not have a concept of const parameters, all parameters are writable by default. However, when casting the memory of the arrays to pointers, we take care to cast to double * or double const * depending on the intended use ofthe arrays, in order to prevent errors.

#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/numpy.h>

namespace py = pybind11;

add ( py::array_t<double> a
    , py::array_t<double> b
    , py::array_t<double> sum
{// request buffer description of the arguments
    auto buf_a = a.request()
       , buf_b = b.request()
       , buf_sum = sum.request()
    if( buf_a.ndim != 1 || buf_b.ndim != 1 || buf_sum.ndim != 1 )
        throw std::runtime_error("Number of dimensions must be one");

    if( (buf_a.shape[0] != buf_b.shape[0]) || (buf_a.shape[0] != buf_sum.shape[0]) )
        throw std::runtime_error("Input shapes must match");

 // because the Numpy arrays are mutable by default, py::array_t is mutable too.
 // Below we declare the raw C++ arrays for a and b as const to make their intent clear.
    double const *ptr_a   = static_cast<double const *>(buf_a.ptr);
    double const *ptr_b   = static_cast<double const *>(buf_b.ptr);
    double       *ptr_sum = static_cast<double       *>(buf_sum.ptr);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < buf_a.shape[0]; i++)
        ptr_sum[i] = ptr_a[i] + ptr_b[i];

PYBIND11_MODULE(dotc, m)
{  m.doc() = "dotc binary extension module"; // optional module docstring
   m.def("add", &add, "compute the sum of two arrays.");

3.6. Documenting binary extension modules

For Python modules the documentation is automatically extracted from the doc-strings in the module. However, when it comes to documenting binary extension modules, this does not seem a good option. Ideally, the source files ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/dotf.f90 and ET-dot/et_dot/cpp_dotc/dotc.cpp should document the Fortran functions and subroutines, and C++ functions, respectively, rather than the Python interface. Yet, from the perspective of ET-dot being a Python project, the user is only interested in the documentation of the Python interface to those functions and subroutines. Therefore, Micc2 requires you to document the Python interface in separate .rst files:

  • ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/dotf.rst

  • ET-dot/et_dot/cpp_dotc/dotc.rst

their contents could look like this: for ET-dot/et_dot/dotf/dotf.rst:

Module et_dot.dotf

Module (binary extension) :py:mod:`dotf`, built from fortran source.

.. function:: dot(a,b)
   :module: et_dot.dotf

   Compute the dot product of ``a`` and ``b``.

   :param a: 1D Numpy array with ``dtype=float``
   :param b: 1D Numpy array with ``dtype=float``
   :returns: the dot product of ``a`` and ``b``
   :rtype: ``float``

and for ET-dot/et_dot/cpp_dotc/dotc.rst:

Module et_dot.dotc

Module (binary extension) :py:mod:`dotc`, built from C++ source.

.. function:: dot(a,b)
   :module: et_dot.dotc

   Compute the dot product of ``a`` and ``b``.

   :param a: 1D Numpy array with ``dtype=float``
   :param b: 1D Numpy array with ``dtype=float``
   :returns: the dot product of ``a`` and ``b``
   :rtype: ``float``

The (html) documentation is build as always:

micc2 doc
[INFO]           [ > make html
[INFO]               (stdout)
                        Running Sphinx v3.5.3
                        making output directory... done
                        WARNING: html_static_path entry '_static' does not exist
                        building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date
                        building [html]: targets for 7 source files that are out of date
                        updating environment: [new config] 7 added, 0 changed, 0 removed
                        reading sources... [ 14%] api
                        reading sources... [ 28%] apps
                        reading sources... [ 42%] authors
                        reading sources... [ 57%] changelog
                        reading sources... [ 71%] index
                        reading sources... [ 85%] installation
                        reading sources... [100%] readme

                        looking for now-outdated files... none found
                        pickling environment... done
                        checking consistency... /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/docs/apps.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
                        preparing documents... done
                        writing output... [ 14%] api
                        writing output... [ 28%] apps
                        writing output... [ 42%] authors
                        writing output... [ 57%] changelog
                        writing output... [ 71%] index
                        writing output... [ 85%] installation
                        writing output... [100%] readme

                        generating indices... genindex py-modindex done
                        highlighting module code... [100%] et_dot

                        writing additional pages... search done
                        copying static files... done
                        copying extra files... done
                        dumping search index in English (code: en)... done
                        dumping object inventory... done
                        build succeeded, 2 warnings.

                        The HTML pages are in _build/html.
[INFO]           ] done.

As the output shows, the documentation is found in your project directory in docs/_build/html/index.html. It can be opened in your favorite browser.

function dot(a,b,n)
  ! Compute the dot product of a and b
    implicit none
    real*8 :: dot ! return  value
  ! Declare function parameters
    integer*4              , intent(in)    :: n
    real*8   , dimension(n), intent(in)    :: a,b
  ! Declare local variables
    integer*4 :: i
    dot = 0.
    do i=1,n
        dot = dot + a(i) * b(i)
    end do
end function dot
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/numpy.h>

dot ( pybind11::array_t<double> a
    , pybind11::array_t<double> b
 // requeest acces to the memory of the Numpy array objects a and b
   auto bufa = a.request()
      , bufb = b.request()
 // verify dimensions and shape:
    if( bufa.ndim != 1 || bufb.ndim != 1 ) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Number of dimensions must be one");
    if( (bufa.shape[0] != bufb.shape[0]) ) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Input shapes must match");
 // provide access to raw memory
 // because the Numpy arrays are mutable by default, py::array_t is mutable too.
 // Below we declare the raw C++ arrays for x and y as const to make their intent clear.
    double const *ptra = static_cast<double const *>(bufa.ptr);
    double const *ptrb = static_cast<double const *>(bufb.ptr);

 // compute the dot product and return the result:
    double d = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < bufa.shape[0]; i++)
       d += ptra[i] * ptrb[i];
    return d;

// describe what goes in the module
PYBIND11_MODULE(dotc, m) // `m` is a variable holding the module definition
                         // `dotc` is the module's name
{// A module doc-string (optional):
    m.doc() = "C++ binary extension module `dotc`";
 // List the functions you want to expose:
 // m.def("exposed_name", function_pointer, "doc-string for the exposed function");
    m.def("dot", &dot, "Compute the dot product of two arrays.");

4. Adding Python submodules

Adding binary extension (sub)modules is important for adding implementations in Fortran or C++ for performance reasons. For larger projects it is sometimes practical to be able to organize your Python code in different files, e.g. one file for each Python class. Micc2 allows your to add Python submodules to your project. Just as the default top level package, these Python submodules have a package structure too. This command adds a module foo.py to your project:

micc2 add foo --py
[INFO]           [ Adding python submodule foo to package et_dot.
[INFO]               - python source in    /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/foo/__init__.py.
[INFO]               - Python test code in /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/tests/et_dot/foo/test_foo.py.
[INFO]           ] done.

We can add sub-submodules too. E.g to add a bar sub-module to the foo sub-module:

micc2 add foo/bar --py
[INFO]           [ Adding python submodule foo/bar to package et_dot.
[INFO]               - python source in    /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/et_dot/foo/bar/__init__.py.
[INFO]               - Python test code in /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/ET-dot/tests/et_dot/foo/bar/test_bar.py.
[INFO]           ] done.

In fact this sub-sub-module bar can even be a C++ of Fortran binary extension module. One only needs to replace the --py flagwith --cpp or --f90. The binary extension modules themselves, however, cannot contain submodules.

As usual, Micc2 added example code and example test code for the added components. as well as documentation entries for the submodule.

4.1. Adding a Python Command Line Interface

Command Line Interfaces are Python scripts in a Python package that are installed as executable programs when the package is installed. E.g. Micc2 is a CLI. Installing package et-micc2 installs the micc2 as an executable program. CLIs come in two flavors, single command CLIs and CLIs with subcommands. Single command CLIs perform a single task, which can be modified by optional parameters and flags. CLIs with subcommands can performs different, usually related, tasks by selecting an appropriate subcommand. Git and Micc2 are CLIs with subcommands. You can add a single command CLI named myapp to your project with the command:

> micc2 add myapp --cli


> micc2 add myapp --clisub

for a CLI with subcommands. Micc2 adds the necessary files, containing working example code and tests, as well as a documentation entry in APPS.rst. The documentation will be extracted automatically from doc-strings and help-strings (these are explained below).

4.1.1. CLI example

Assume that we need quite often to read two arrays from file and compute their dot product, and that we want to execute this operation as:

> dotfiles file1 file2
dot(file1,file2) = 123.456

The second line is the output that we expect.

dotfiles is, obviously a single command CLI, so we add a CLI component with the --cli flag:

micc2 add dotfiles --cli
[INFO]           [ Adding CLI dotfiles to project ET-dot
                        (single command CLI).
[INFO]               - Python source file ET-dot/et_dot/cli_dotfiles.py.
[INFO]               - Python test code   ET-dot/tests/test_cli_dotfiles.py.
[WARNING]            Dependencies added:
                     If you are using a virtual environment created with poetry, run:
                         `poetry install` or `poetry update` to install missing dependencies.
                     If you are using a virtual environment not created with poetry, run:
                         (.venv) > pip install click
                     Otherwise, run:
                         > pip install click --user
[INFO]           ] done.

As usual Micc2 tells us where to add the source code for the CLI, and where to add the test code for it. Furthermore, Micc2 expects us to use the Click package for implementing the CLI, a very practical and flexible package which is well documented. The example code in et_dot/cli_dotfiles.py is already based on Click, and contains an example of a single command CLI or a Cli with subcommands,m depending on the flag you used. Here is the proposed implementation of our dotfiles CLI:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Command line interface dotfiles (no sub-commands)."""

import sys
import click
import numpy as np
import et_dot

@click.option('-v', '--verbosity', count=True
    , help="The verbosity of the CLI."
    , default=0
def main(file1, file2, verbosity):
    """Command line interface dot-files, computes the dot product of two arrays
    in files ``file1`` and ``file2`` and prints the result.

    file format is text, comma delimited

    :param str file1: location of file containing first array
    :param str file2: location of file containing first array
    # Read the arrays from file, assuming comma delimited
    a = np.genfromtxt(file1, dtype=np.float64, delimiter=',')
    b = np.genfromtxt(file2, dtype=np.float64, delimiter=',')
    # Sanity check:
    if len(a) != len(b): raise ValueError
    # Using the C++ dot product implementation:
    ab = et_dot.dotc.dot(a,b)
    if verbosity:
        if verbosity>1:
            print(f"a <- {file1}")
            print(f"b <- {file2}")
        print(f"dotfiles({a},{b}) = {ab}")
    return 0 # return code

if __name__ == "__main__":

Click uses decorators to add arguments and options to turn a method, here main() in to the command. Understanding decorators is not really necessary, but if you are intrigued, check out Primer on Python decorators. Otherwise, just follow the Click documentation for how to use the Click decorators to create nice CLIs.


Click provides a lot of practical features, such as an automatic help function which is built from the doc-string of the command method, and the help parameters of the options. Sphinx_click does the same to extract documentation for your CLI.

> python et_dot/cli_dotfiles.py --help
Usage: cli_dotfiles.py [OPTIONS] FILE1 FILE2

  Command line interface dot-files, computes the dot product of two arrays
  in files ``file1`` and ``file2`` and prints the result.

  file format is text, comma delimited

  :param str file1: location of file containing first array :param str
  file2: location of file containing first array

  -v, --verbosity  The verbosity of the CLI.
  --help           Show this message and exit.

> python et_dot/cli_dotfiles.py tests/array1.txt tests/array2.txt

> python et_dot/cli_dotfiles.py tests/array1.txt tests/array2.txt -v
dotfiles([1. 2. 3.],[4. 5. 6.]) = 32.0

> python et_dot/cli_dotfiles.py tests/array1.txt tests/array2.txt -vv
a <- tests/array1.txt
b <- tests/array2.txt
dotfiles([1. 2. 3.],[4. 5. 6.]) = 32.0

Here, we did not exactly call the CLI as dotfiles, but that is because the package is not yet installed. The installed executable dotfiles would just wrap the command as python path/to/et_dot/cli_dotfiles.py. Note, that the verbosity parameter is using a nice Click feature: by adding more v s the verbosity increases.

5. Version control and version management

5.1. Version control with Git

Version control systems (VCS) keep track of modifications to the code in a special kind of database, called a repository. This article explains why version control is important. It is especially important when several developers work on the same team, but even for one-person development teams, it brings many advantages. It serves as a backup of the code at different points in time. If something goes wrong you can go back in time, and compare the version that was working with the current version and investigate the cause of trouble. For small projects, the backup is probably the most useful. The local repository of your project, located on your own hard disk, is often accompanied by a remote repository, located somewhere in the cloud, e.g. at GitHub. Then there is a double backup. If your hard disk crashes, you can recover everything up to the last commit. A remote repository can also serve as a way to share your code with other people. For larger projects branching allows you to work on a new feature A of your code without disturbing the last release (the main branch). If, at some point, another feature B seems more urgent, you leave the A branch aside, and start off a new branch for the B feature from the main branch. Later, you can resume the work on the A branch. Finished branches can be merged with the the main branch, or even a feature branch. Other typical branches are bug fix branches. Using branches to isolate work from the main branch, becomes very useful as soon as your code has users. The branches isolate the users from the ongoing modifications in your bug fix branches and feature branches.

5.2. Git support from Micc2

Micc2 prepares your projects for the Git version control system. If you are New to Git, we recommend reading Introduction to Git In 16 Minutes. This article provides a concise introduction to get you going, and some pointers to more detailed documentation.

For full git support, Micc2 must be setup as explained in Installation. When Micc2 creates a new project, it automatically sets up a local Git repository and commits the the created project tree with the message ‘And so this begun…’. If you do not want to use this local repository, just delete the file .gitignore and directory .git. Alternatively, so create project with no git support at all specify micc2 create <project_name> --no-git. Micc2 can also create a remote repository for the project at GitHub. By default this remote repository is public, following the spirit of open source development. You can ask for a private repository by specifying --remote=private, or for no remote repository at all by specifying --remote=none. If a remote repository is created, the commit ‘And so this begun…’ is immediately pushed to the remote repository. For working with remote Git repositories see Working with remotes, especially checkout the sections ‘Pushing to Your Remotes’ and ‘Fetching and Pulling from Your Remotes’.

5.3. Git workflow

Some advice for beginners on how to use git with your micc project may be appropriate.

  • Use the command git status to see which project files are modified, and which files are new, i.e. are not yet tracked by git. For new files or directories, you must decide whether you want the file or directory to be tracked by git, or not. If the answer is ‘yes’, tell git to track the file or directory with the command git add <file-or-directory>. Otherwise, add the file the .gitignore file in the project directory: echo <file-or-directory> >> .gitignore (you can also do this withe an editor). Temporary directories, like _cmake_build for building binary extensions, or _build for building documentation are automatically added to the .gitignore file.

  • Whenever a piece of work is finished and shows no obvious errors, like syntax errors, and passes all the tests, commit the finished work with git commit -m <message>, where <message> describes the piece of work that has been finished. This command puts all changes since the last commit in the local repository. New files that haven’t been added remain untracked. You can commit all untracked files as well by adding the -a flag: git commit -a -m <message>. This first adds all untracked files, as in git add . and than commits. Since, this piece of work is considered finished, it is wise to tell the remote repository too about this commit: git push.

  • Unfinished pieces of work can be committed too, for backup. In that case, add WIP (work in progress) to the commit message, e.g. WIP on feature A. In general, it is best not to push unfinished work to the remote repository, unless it is in a separate branch and you are the only one working on it.

6. Version management

Version numbers are practical, even for a small software project used only by yourself. For larger projects, certainly when other users start using them, they become indispensable. When assigning a version number to a project, we highly recommend to follow the guidelines of Semantic Versioning 2.0. Such a version number consists of Major.minor.patch. According to semantic versioning you should increment the:

  • Major version when you make incompatible API changes,

  • minor version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and

  • patch version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.

When Micc2 creates a project, it puts a __version__ string with value '0.0.0' in the top level Python module of the project. So, users can access a Micc2 package’s version as package_name.__version__. The version string is also encoded in the pyproject.toml file.


Although the __version__ string approach did not make it as the Python standard approach for encoding versions strings (see PEP 396), Micc2 will still support it for some time because the accepted approach relies on the standard library package importlib.metadata, which is only available for Python versions 3.8 and higher.

The micc2 version command allows you to modify the version string consistently in a project. The most common way of modifying a project’s version string is to ‘bump’ one of the version components, Major, minor, or patch. This implies incrementing the component by 1, and setting all the lower components to 0. This is illustrated below. Suppose we are the project director of package foo:

micc2 info
Project foo located at /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/et-micc2-tutorials-workspace-tmp/foo
  package: foo
  version: 0.0.0
    foo  top-level package      (source in foo/__init__.py)

micc2 version
Project (foo) version (0.0.0)

micc2 version --patch
[INFO]           (foo)> version (0.0.0) -> (0.0.1)

micc2 version --minor
[INFO]           (foo)> version (0.0.1) -> (0.1.0)

micc2 version --patch
[INFO]           (foo)> version (0.1.0) -> (0.1.1)

micc2 version --major
[INFO]           (foo)> version (0.1.1) -> (1.0.0)

Without arguments the micc2 version command just shows the current version. Furthermore, the flags --patch, --minor, and --major can be abbreviated as -p, -m and -M, respectively.

The micc2 version command also has a --tag flag that creates a git tag with name v<version_string> (see https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Basics-Tagging) and pushes the tag to the remote repository.

7. Publishing your code

By publising your code other users can easily reuse your code. Although a public GitHub repository makes that possible, Python provides the Python Package Index (PyPI). Packages published on PyPI can be installed by anyone using pip.

7.1. Publishing to the Python Package Index

Poetry provides really easy interface to publishing your code to the Python Package Index (PyPI). To install poetry see https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installation. You must also create a PyPI account here. Thento publish the ET-dot package, run this command in the project directory:this command in the project directory, of:

> poetry publish --build
Creating virtualenv et-dot in /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/Tutorials/ET-dot/.venv
Building ET-dot (0.0.1)
  - Building sdist
  - Built ET-dot-0.0.1.tar.gz
  - Building wheel
  - Built ET_dot-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl

Publishing ET-dot (0.0.1) to PyPI
 - Uploading ET-dot-0.0.1.tar.gz 100%
 - Uploading ET_dot-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl 100%

In order for your project to be publishable, it is necessary that the project name is not already in use on PyPI. As there are 100s of projects on PyPI, it is wise to check that. You can do this manually, but micc2 also provides a --publish flag for the micc2 create command that verifies that the project name is still available on PyPI. If the name is already taken, the project will not be created and micc2 will suggest to choose another project name. See 1.1.1. What’s in a name for recommendations of how to choose project names. If the name is not yet taken, it is wise to publish the freshly created project right away (even without any useful contents), to make sure that no one else can publish a project with the same name.

Note that a single version of a project can only be published once. If the ET-dot must be modified, e.g. to fix a bug, one must bump the version number before it can be published again. Once a version is published it cannot be modified.

After the project is published, everyone can install the package in his current Python environment as:

> pip install et-foo

7.1.1. Publishing packages with binary extension modules

Packages with binary extension modules are published in exactly the same way. That is, perhaps surprisingly, as a Python-only project. When you pip install a Micc2 project, the package directory will end up in the site-packages directory of the Python environment in which you install. The source code directories of the binary extensions modules are also installed with the package, but without the binary extensions themselves. These must be compiled locally. Micc2 has added some machinery to automatically build the binary extensions from the source code, as explained in detail at the end of section 3.3. Building binary extension modules from Fortran. Obviously, this ‘auto-build’, can only succeed if the necessary tools are available. In case of failure because of missing tools, micc2 will tell you which tools are missing.

7.2. Publishing your documentation on readthedocs.org

Publishing your documentation to Readthedocs relieves the users of your code from having to build documentation themselves. Making it happen is very easy. First, make sure the git repository of your code is pushed on Github. Second, create a Readthedocs account if you do not already have one. Then, go to your Readthedocs page, go to your projects and hit import project. After filling in the fields, the documentation will be rebuild and published automatically every time you push your code to the Github remote repository.


Sphinx must be able to import your project in order to extract the documentation. If your codes depend on Python modules other than the standard library, this will fail and the documentation will not be built. You can add the necessary dependencies to <your-project>/docs/requirements.txt.

8. Debugging binary extensions

Debugging is the process of executing a program step by step, in order to discover where and why it goes wrong. It is an indispensable step in software development. Although tests may tell you what part of your code fails, but the origin of the failure is not always clear. As explained in the tutorials (see 1.2.4. Testing your code) unit tests are useful for two reasons:

  1. they assure that your code does not get broken while you add features, or modify it, and

  2. they constrain the part of the code that has an issue. If a test fails, the origin of the must be somewhere in the part of the code that is tested. By keeping the tested parts small, you will find the flaw sooner, and proceed faster.

For small projects inserting print statements in flawed code can be a good approach to discover the flaw, but it is cumbersome and in the case of binary extensions requires rebuilding the code often. Debugging is a more scalable approach.

Graphical Debuggers as provided in IDEes, e.g. PyCharm, Eclipse + pydev, Visual Studio, present a great user experience, but not all are capable of debugging mixed Python/C++/Fortran. See here for more information.

  • Pycharm: only Python, but great user experience.

  • eclipse: debugging binaries should be possible but not really mixed mode.

  • Visual Studio code: provides mixed language debugging Python/C++/Fortran.


June 8, 2021: On MACOS, Visual Studio Code, as it uses lldb under the hood, also does not show the variables in a Fortran binary extension. It is unclear whether that is due to a quirk in f2py or lldb.

For HPC environments there is also:

These are also capable debugging OpenMP (multi-threaded) and MPI applications (multi-process).

For Linux environments there is also a lightweight approach possible using gdb and pdb. On MACOS gdb can be replaced by lldb, which has very similar features, but different commands. (At the time of writing gdb for MACOS was broken). Here are two links describing the approach:

  1. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Debugging-both-C-extensions-and-Python-code-with-gdb-and-pdb_fig2_220307949

  2. https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_76_0/libs/python/doc/html/faq/how_do_i_debug_my_python_extensi.html

The first link describes a fully mixed Python C++ approach, and works for Fortran as well. Thesecond link, is semi-mixed. It expects you to enter the Python commands yourself, which may be tedious at times, but can be practical to explore the situation.

We illustrate both strategies using a project foo with a C++ binary extension cxx, and a Fortran binary extension fortran. The code we are using is just the example code created by micc2, which defines a function for adding to arrays.

> micc2 create foo --package
> micc2 add cxx --cpp
> micc2 add fortran --f90
> micc2 info
Project foo located at /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/foo
  package: foo
  version: 0.0.0
  structure: foo/__init__.py (Python package)
    C++ module  cpp_cxx/cxx.cpp
    f90 module f90_fortran/fortran.f90
micc2 build --build-type Debug

Make sure that you pass the --build-type Debug flag, so that the binary extensions are built with debug information.

It is recommend to debug small scripts, rather than complete applications. This is, however, not always possible.

8.1. Mixed Python/C++ debugging with lldb and pdb

This section illustrates mixed language debugging of a Python script calling a method from a C++ binary extension. Here we are using lldb on a MACOS system. In the next section we will do the same for a Fortran binary extension on Linux (Ubuntu), using gdb.


For an overview of lldb checkout https://lldb.llvm.org.


For an overview of pdb checkout https://docs.python.org/3/library/pdb.html, and Python Debugging With Pdb.

Suppose we are concerned about the C++ correctness of the add function and that we want to execute it step by step to see if it runs as expected. We first demonstrate the approach of the first link above, on MACOS, using lldb instead of gdb. The commands are different for gdb and lldb, but the strategy is exactly the same. First, start lldb with the Python executable you want to use. As I am using pyenv to manage differen python versions on my machine, the python on the PATH is only a wrapper for the the real Python executable, so I must specify the full path, because lldb expects a true executable.

> lldb ~/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/bin/python
(lldb) target create "/Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/bin/python"
Current executable set to '/Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/bin/python' (x86_64).
(lldb) target create "/Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/bin/python"

Next, you set a breakpoint in the c++ file, e.g. on the first line of the add function. As the binary extension, which is in fact nothing else than a dynamic library, has not been loaded yet, lldb replies that there is no location for the breakpoint, and that the breakpoint is ‘pending’, i.e. waiting to become active as soon as the dynamic library is loaded.

(lldb) breakpoint set --file cxx.cpp -l 19
Breakpoint 1: no locations (pending).
WARNING:  Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.

Next, start the Python test script for the C++ add function, tests    est_cpp_cxx.py with pdb:

(lldb) run -m pdb tests/test_cpp_cxx.py
Process 26917 launched: '/Users/etijskens/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/bin/python' (x86_64)
> /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/foo/tests/test_cpp_cxx.py(4)<module>()
-> """

and set a pdb breakpoint on the test method for the add function (which is called in the if __name__ == "__main__": body:

(Pdb) b test_cpp_add
Breakpoint 1 at /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/foo/tests/test_cpp_cxx.py:19

This time the breakpoint is found right away, because the file that contains it, tests/test_cpp_cxx.py is already loaded.

Now we are ready to start the script with the r(un) command, after which pbd stops at the first line in the test_cpp_add method, the pdb breakpoint:

(Pdb) r
1 location added to breakpoint 1
__main__ running <function test_cpp_add at 0x104890310> ...
> /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/foo/tests/test_cpp_cxx.py(20)test_cpp_add()
-> x = np.array([0,1,2,3,4],dtype=float)

Now, we can execute this line and inspect the variable x with the p(rint) command:

(Pdb) n
> /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/foo/tests/test_cpp_cxx.py(21)test_cpp_add()
-> shape = x.shape
(Pdb) p x
array([0., 1., 2., 3., 4.])

Continue stepping until you arrive at the call to cpp.add, you can examine de contents of y and z as well, just as every other variable which is in the scope:

(Pdb) n
> /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/foo/tests/test_cpp_cxx.py(22)test_cpp_add()
-> y = np.ones (shape,dtype=float)
(Pdb) n
> /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/foo/tests/test_cpp_cxx.py(23)test_cpp_add()
-> z = np.zeros(shape,dtype=float)
(Pdb) n
> /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/foo/tests/test_cpp_cxx.py(24)test_cpp_add()
-> expected_z = x + y
(Pdb) n
> /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/foo/tests/test_cpp_cxx.py(25)test_cpp_add()
-> result = cpp.add(x,y,z)
(Pdb) p y
array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1.])
(Pdb) p z
array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])

Stepping once more will hit the breakpoint on linr 19 of file cxx.cpp in lldb:

(Pdb) n
Process 26917 stopped
* thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
    frame #0: 0x0000000112324b58 cxx.cpython-38-darwin.so`add(x=array_t<double, 16> @ 0x00007ffeefbfc3a8, y=array_t<double, 16> @ 0x00007ffeefbfc3a0, z=array_t<double, 16> @ 0x00007ffeefbfc388) at cxx.cpp:19:19
   16           , py::array_t<double> z
   17           )
   18       {
-> 19           auto bufx = x.request()
   20              , bufy = y.request()
   21              , bufz = z.request()
   22              ;
Target 0: (python) stopped.

as in pdb you can execute step by step with the n(ext) command. Continue stepping until you arrive at line 38, where you can examine the contents of the x argument.

(lldb) n
Process 26917 stopped
* thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = step over
    frame #0: 0x0000000112324d80 cxx.cpython-38-darwin.so`add(x=array_t<double, 16> @ 0x00007ffeefbfc3a8, y=array_t<double, 16> @ 0x00007ffeefbfc3a0, z=array_t<double, 16> @ 0x00007ffeefbfc388) at cxx.cpp:38:59
   35        // because the Numpy arrays are mutable by default, py::array_t is mutable too.
   36        // Below we declare the raw C++ arrays for x and y as const to make their intent clear.`
   37           double const *ptrx = static_cast<double const *>(bufx.ptr);
-> 38           double const *ptry = static_cast<double const *>(bufy.ptr);
   39           double       *ptrz = static_cast<double       *>(bufz.ptr);
   41           for (size_t i = 0; i < bufx.shape[0]; i++)~
Target 0: (python) stopped.
(lldb) p ptrx[0]
(const double) $0 = 0
(lldb) p ptrx[1]
(const double) $1 = 1

You can continue to execute line by line, which will eventually drop you in the wrapper code, which is hard to understand and not necessarily compiled with debugging information. We step out of it with the finish command, to end up back in pdb:

(lldb) finish
> /Users/etijskens/software/dev/workspace/foo/tests/test_cpp_cxx.py(26)test_cpp_add()
-> assert (z == expected_z).all()

8.2. Mixed Python/Fortran debugging with gdb and pdb on Linux

This time we will debug the tests/test_f90_fortran.py script which calls the Fortran binary extension.We are using gdb from an Ubuntu machine.


For an overview of gdb checkout https://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/documentation/.


For an overview of pdb checkout https://docs.python.org/3/library/pdb.html, and Python Debugging With Pdb.

As above we start the true Python executable, but this time with gdb. The procedure is very similar. Only the gdb commands differ a somewhat from thee lldb commands, and sometimes the output is different too.

osboxes@osboxes:~/workspace/foo$ gdb ~/.pyenv/versions/3.9.5/bin/python
GNU gdb (Ubuntu 10.1-2ubuntu2)
Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:

For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from /home/osboxes/.pyenv/versions/3.9.5/bin/python...
(gdb) b fortran.f90:32
No source file named fortran.f90.
Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) y
Breakpoint 1 (fortran.f90:32) pending.

Gdb asks you to confirm if you set a breakpoint that cannot be found yet.

(gdb) run -m pdb tests/test_f90_fortran.py
Starting program: /home/osboxes/.pyenv/versions/3.9.5/bin/python -m pdb tests/test_f90_fortran.py
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
b> /home/osboxes/workspace/foo/tests/test_f90_fortran.py(3)<module>()
-> """Tests for f90 module `foo.fortran`."""
(Pdb) b test_f90_add
Breakpoint 1 at /home/osboxes/workspace/foo/tests/test_f90_fortran.py:14
(Pdb) r
[New Thread 0x7ffff3b9a640 (LWP 3824)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff3399640 (LWP 3825)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff0b98640 (LWP 3826)]
[New Thread 0x7fffee397640 (LWP 3827)]
[New Thread 0x7fffebb96640 (LWP 3828)]
[New Thread 0x7fffe9395640 (LWP 3829)]
[New Thread 0x7fffe6b94640 (LWP 3830)]
[New Thread 0x7fffe4393640 (LWP 3831)]
[New Thread 0x7fffe1b92640 (LWP 3832)]
__main__ running <function test_f90_add at 0x7ffff6aaa9d0> ...
> /home/osboxes/workspace/foo/tests/test_f90_fortran.py(15)test_f90_add()
-> x = np.array([0,1,2,3,4],dtype=float)
(Pdb) n
> /home/osboxes/workspace/foo/tests/test_f90_fortran.py(16)test_f90_add()
-> shape = x.shape
> /home/osboxes/workspace/foo/tests/test_f90_fortran.py(17)test_f90_add()
-> y = np.ones (shape,dtype=float)
> /home/osboxes/workspace/foo/tests/test_f90_fortran.py(18)test_f90_add()
-> z = np.zeros(shape,dtype=float)
> /home/osboxes/workspace/foo/tests/test_f90_fortran.py(19)test_f90_add()
-> expected_z = x + y
> /home/osboxes/workspace/foo/tests/test_f90_fortran.py(20)test_f90_add()
-> f90.add(x,y,z)
Thread 1 "python" hit Breakpoint 1, add (x=..., y=..., z=..., n=5) at /home/osboxes/workspace/foo/foo/f90_fortran/fortran.f90:32
32        do i=1,n
(gdb) p x
$1 = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
(gdb) c
> /home/osboxes/workspace/foo/tests/test_f90_fortran.py(21)test_f90_add()
-> assert (z == expected_z).all()
(Pdb) c
-*# finished #*-
The program finished and will be restarted
> /home/osboxes/workspace/foo/tests/test_f90_fortran.py(3)<module>()
-> """Tests for f90 module `foo.fortran`."""


Fortran support in Lldb seems to be limited. It is possible to step through the code, but not the variables are invisible. It is unclear whether this is due to a quirk in lldb or f2py on MACOS.

8.2.1. Visual Studio Code

Visual_studio_code is an IDE that misfree, open source, and available for Windows, Linux and MACOS. It supports graphical mixed language debugging for Python, C++ and Fortran. In addition it is possible to work remotely using ssh (as is eclipse). You can edit remote files with Visual Studio’s builtin editor, and have a remote terminal as well. The above debugging approaches can be applied in a remote terminal. So, it is possible to use it for development on the (VSC) clusters. Here are some useful links;